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CCC raises intimidation concerns in Mberengwa by-election

by Staff reporter
04 Dec 2022 at 08:09hrs | Views
THE OPPOSITION Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) party has raised intimidation concerns in the ongoing by-election being held in Mberengwa.

A woman suspected to be a Zanu-PF member allegedly set up a desk near one the polling stations in Ward 28 and was reportedly seen noting down names of those who would have voted.

CCC posted on their official twitter handle Saturday saying this was illegal behaviour and they had engaged Zimbabwe Electoral Commission.

"By election alert: We have been notified by our team in Mberengwa that a Zanu-PF member, identified as Mai Dhewa, has set up a desk close to one of the polling stations in Ward 28. She's writing down the names of people who would have voted.

"We have raised this illegal behaviour with the (ZEC) officials," CCC said.

Meanwhile, there have been violence reports in Binga wards 6, 8, 10, 15 and 23 where by-elections were supposed to be held today and ended up being postponed except in ward 20.

The postponement was after some Zanu-PF members demanded that CCC candidates must be disqualified according to the Section 119 (2) of the electoral act which states that one can be disqualified if they are in default with payment of levy, rate, charge or tax due payable to the council concerned for more than 120 days.

CCC spokesperson, Fadzayi Mahere said Zanu-PF chickened out sensing defeat and it will never win a fair and free election in Binga.

"Sensing defeat in today's by-elections, Zanu unleashed violence in Binga. The citizens remained defiant. Now they're trying to disqualify our candidates.

"The by-elections have been postponed by the court until the cases are concluded. Zanu-PF can't win a free election in Binga!," Mahere said.

In the past years, Binga has been the opposition's stronghold and recently the ruling party has been fighting to win the constituency by trying to kickstart development initiatives as a way of luring votes.

Source - NewZimbabwe