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Zanu-PF group jibes State security

by Staff reporter
14 Jan 2023 at 07:41hrs | Views
Zanu-PF shadowy group Men BeleiveED leader Justice Matsatsira yesterday said State security organs must not threaten or intimidate people for voicing their concerns over the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (Zec)'s preliminary delimitation report.

The report has been criticised by various stakeholders as flawed.

Early this week, a Zanu-PF activist Tonderai Chidawa, who criticised delimitation report after it was tabled in Parliament last week claimed that State security agents were after him.

Chidawa released an audio claiming he had been forced into hiding at his flat in the capital alleging that the agents wanted to know "who sent you to fight Zec"?

Matsatsira said Chidawa and any other citizen must not be threatened.

"People should not be threatened and be followed for speaking their mind. The New Dispensation led by President Emmerson Mnangagwa does not like that. Zimbabwe is a democratic country," he said.

"Our President respects the Constitution. In the late President Robert Mugabe era people were harassed, but in the New Dispensation, the President has said we should let bygones be bygones and move as one peace-loving people."

In a letter to Parliament, Chidawa, represented by Lovemore Madhuku, said the draft delimitation report tabled in the august House was not signed by Zec commissioners and was "not an act of the Zec as a body corporate".

Some Zec commissioners have reportedly disowned the report.

Former Zec commissioner Qhubani Moyo, in a Twitter post early this week, said the behaviour of the commissioners was unacceptable while arguing that the chairperson of the commission has every right to disregard their opinions.

Source - Newsday Zimbabwe