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Fight stopper stabbed with broken beer bottle

by Staff reporter
14 Jan 2023 at 07:54hrs | Views
A MAN who tried to break up a fight was left writhing in agony after he was stabbed in the face and neck with a broken beer bottle.

Aleck Mhlanga (69) told a court that he saw his nephew Arnold Payne (23) scuffling with his live-in girlfriend Noxolo Banda (21) near a nightclub at Old Pumula suburb.

He said he rushed to the scene and when he had separated the pair, Noxolo retreated, picked up a bottle of beer and smashed it on the ground. She stabbed him on the forehead and on the neck causing him to roll on the ground in agony.

The court heard that Mhlanga bled profusely. He had difficulties breathing as he wriggled in severe pain, before lapsing into unconsciousness. Payne tried to revive him but his efforts were in vain.

An agitated Payne phoned an ambulance which rushed Mhlanga to Mpilo Central Hospital for medical attention.

The incident was reported to the police leading to Noxolo's arrest.

She pleaded guilty to assault.

In her defence Noxolo, who looked remorseful, said she was drunk and acted out of character because she had caught her lover cuddling another lady in the night club.

In addition, she said she has a baby and if she is sent to jail no one will look after the child.

 The magistrate sentenced her to 15 months imprisonment and suspended six months on condition that she does not commit a similar offence within a period of five years. The remaining nine months were suspended on condition that she does 315 hours of community service at Godlwayo Primary School in Pumula suburb.

Source - B-Metro
More on: #Fight, #Stopper, #Bottle