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Muvevi was a feared man in the police service sector

by Staff reporter
21 Jan 2023 at 03:29hrs | Views
JAISON Muvevi, the ex-cop who gunned down three people in Wedza last week was a feared man in the police service sector, former colleagues have reportedly told one of his victims' nephew.

Muvevi (42), a retired Criminal Investigation Department (CID) officer was said to be well trained and not an easy person to attack during operations.

Officers who followed him in Chiduku, Rusape as he fled after committing the heinous crime allegedly told a nephew of the late Prophet Sirage (Crispen Kanerusine) from Zinzombe village that his records of excellence were known by many.

Muvevi was likened to the popular ex-detective Joseph Nemaisa who also shot and killed three armed men who were holding his family hostage at his Chadcombe home in December 2021.

Narrating the events leading to Muvevi's disappearance into Mutare, the nephew only identified as (Rob) said he gave water to his uncle's murderer unaware he had committed a heinous crime.

"I do not regret giving him water. It was my uncle who was fighting his killer in death and I think he also wanted Muvevi to be exposed as he tried to run away from the crime scene in Wedza," said the nephew.

He went on, "Mukomana (Muvevi) was fleeing from police towards Chiduku driving his white sedan vehicle, Muvevi fired three shots at the officers who were in pursuit at Maruwani Bridge.

"He then fired another shot which hit the police vehicle and immediately reversed his vehicle before driving for about 500m, turning into a small foot path leading to my homestead."

The nephew explained Muvevi then said, "Gogoi"

At this stage, the nephew alleged he was not aware of what had happened and he entertained his visitor.

"After greetings, Muvevi asked for some drinking water of which I gave him.

"He then inquired about gold mining areas and I showed him the area by just pointing at the mountains nearby. He also asked for matches and I called my son who brought a box and gave him."

As the conversation continued, Muvevi allegedly told the nephew that he can identify gold when he sees it.

This is the time his phone vibrated.

"As he tried to get his phone from his jeans' back pocket, I saw two pistols from his jean's back pockets. I did not panic though I asked myself silently why he was carrying the pistols.

"I then noticed some blood stains on his other shoe. I then called my son and quickly excused myself but he was not bothered about it. I left him there walking towards the area I had pointed out to him as a potential gold mining place."

When the nephew got home a few meters away from Muvevi, police arrived and asked him about Muvevi's whereabouts.

"I did not know his name then and I told the police the person they wanted had just left my homestead showing them direction he took.

"As we ran towards the direction he took… we then spotted him coming out of the gorge."

According to the nephew, he heard one of the officers saying: "let us retreat. We have known this guy for a long time. We know his records in the security sector so we cannot just confront him."

"This is when I heard that my uncle had been shot dead by the man whom I had entertained a few minutes earlier. I was shocked.

"Muvevi disappeared abandoning his car and escaped on foot," the nephew explained.

Meanwhile, Muvevi's victims were all laid to rest this week.

Former Wedza officer -In-Charge Maxwell Hove was buried in his rural home, Mberengwa on Thursday while Crispen Kanerusine and 20-year-old Munashe Munjani were buried in their respective villages, Wedza.

Investigations into the murder cases are still in progress.

Muvevi appeared in court Friday charged with four murder charges and two attempted murder counts.

He is expected in court on February 6, 2023.

Source - NewZimbabwe
More on: #Muvevi, #Feared, #Cop