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Chamisa's CCC says structures are old fashioned

by Staff reporter
06 Feb 2023 at 04:55hrs | Views
THE opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) says it will not be coaxed by Zanu-PF into forming party structures because the formations are "old fashioned".

Since its formation in January last year, the Nelson Chamisa Chamisa-led party has been criticised for lack of structures.

Last Thursday, Zanu-PF spokesperson Christopher Mutsvangwa castigated Chamisa's party at a Press conference in Harare, saying it has failed to convince voters of its strength ahead of elections because it does not have structures.

Mutsvangwa went on to say the CCC party would split as soon as they hold a congress.

"We (Zanu-PF) are going through all the processes to ensure that we are ready for elections. We believe in openness. Our party is an open field, unlike other parties that complain that they are being constrained by Zanu-PF. Surely, we cannot stop them from having a congress," Mutsvangwa told journalists.

"They are afraid that if they go through that path, they will split again. They have run out of the alphabet splitting; from MDC this, MDC that, now they are going for triple C. Soon they will be going for quad C, decimate C and so on."

In response, CCC deputy party spokesperson Felix Mafa Sibanda said party structures were old fashioned.

"Zanu-PF is worried of a non-event. A party is made up of people; a party without membership is useless. We have membership all over the country and the members are the structures. Who needs structures, they are an old-fashioned way? We don't see why Zanu-PF should worry about us to say we should have structures. Why are they interested?

"We have people throughout the country, we will win without structures, and we have structures that we know ourselves — these are the people, the membership," Sibanda said, adding that CCC is not a bogus organisation.

Political analyst Rejoice Ngwenya said there is, however, need for CCC to come up with an administrative and political framework to ensure smooth running of party affairs ahead of polls expected this year.

"The old political order is to have a structure that starts from the lowest administrative element up to the presidential level. It now depends on the way they want to present their brand. So my humble submission is that as a party, it is difficult to mobilise and organise if you don't have an identifiable administrative and political entity. Effective mobilisation is based on identifiable administrative and political entities. So it's important that they have those," Ngwenya said.

"CCC might not have a structure officially, but I think there is a need for some administrative and political framework for mobilising funds, votes and seeking representation at leadership level."

Source - Newsday Zimbabwe