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Zanu-PF cracks the whip

by Staff reporter
06 Feb 2023 at 04:56hrs | Views
Zanu-PF women's league boss Mabel Chinomona has cracked the whip on the ruling party's Manicaland women's league leader Happiness Nyakuedzwa for gross misconduct after reportedly disputing elections held recently in the province.

It is alleged that Nyakuedzwa also insulted the party's secretary for external affairs, Betty Kaseke, during chaotic party elections.

In a letter dated February 2, 2023 to Nyakuedzwa, Chinomona suspended Nyakuedzwa for 21 days from carrying out party activities pending investigations.

"Take note that the national leadership has resolved to issue you with a prohibition order pending the hearing of your case as per attached charge sheet. As such, you are provisionally barred from taking in any party activity for the next 21 days pending inquiry into the allegations levelled against you. Further take note that you have the right to be assisted in the conduct of your case by a member of the party of your choice in terms of article 10 section 75 of the party constitution," the letter read.

"Be advised that your matter will be heard at the Zanu-PF headquarters 21 days after receipt of this letter."

Nyakuedzwa is accused of failing to abide by party policies, rules and regulations.

"It is alleged that you disrupted elections which were officiated by national secretary for external affairs in the women's league, comrade Betty Kaseke. On the day of the elections, the report outlines how you allegedly insulted and threatened comrade Kaseke and incited violence against elections officials," the letter added.

Other crimes include tearing election ballot papers and imposition of members to fill vacant positions.

Source - Newsday Zimbabwe