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How an orphaned Zimbabwean rose to be a millionaire in Botswana

by Staff reporter
08 Feb 2023 at 05:08hrs | Views
Banabasi Marambire grew up as an orphan in Zimbabwe with eight siblings. He endured long nights of hunger and was diagnosed with kwashiorkor disease when he was 14 due to poor nutrition.

To survive and also provide for his siblings, he sold beans, sweet potatoes and other vegetables. At the age of 18, Marambire migrated to Botswana in search of greener pastures. In his first year in Botswana, he continued to sell beans, potatoes and vegetables.

"Soon I got tired of the tedious and challenging process of applying for permits to bring the agricultural produce across the border. So, I settled in Botswana and worked as a herd boy," he told CGTN Africa. As a herd boy, Marambire took home $15 a month.

However, his ambition and aspiration were more than just selling vegetables and working as a herd boy. He wanted to be an astute businessman and from his meager salary, he saved and registered his first company in Botswana at the age of 25. His company specialized in aggregates for construction.

Today, he has several companies to his name. His website says he is the "founder of Barmlo Group of Companies whose umbrella includes; (1). Barmlo Investments (PVT) Ltd which specializes in Building Materials supply and Brick Moulding; (2). Barmlo Construction (PVT) Ltd whose focus is on the erection of buildings, plumbing, electrification, tilling, carpentry and painting. Barmlo Construction also offers commercial transport. (3). Maineck Holdings (PVT) Ltd., which is grounded on Maize Milling and Food processing and Solar Energy supply."

He is also a co-owner of Great Dyke AB Academy, which is a private school. According to CGTN Africa, his companies record an annual turnover of 32 million U.S. dollars. In addition, he has employed hundreds across Botswana, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Namibia.

Marambire is showing no signs of slowing down. He is now driven by the desire to help the needy and the poor in society. Considering his background and how he became a multimillionaire, Marambire launched a trust to help the less fortunate ones.

Marambire has authored a book on his journey titled ‘The Herd Boy'. In 2021, he said he was looking at furthering his education.

Source - CGTN Africa