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Zimbabwe opposition quietly celebrates Tsvangirai on 5th anniversary of his death

by Staff reporter
15 Feb 2023 at 05:04hrs | Views
TUESDAY marked five years since former opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) leader Morgan Tsvangirai died.

Tsvangirai succumbed to colon cancer in South Africa aged 65.

Touted as the doyen of democracy due to his huge influence in Zimbabwean politics, Tsvangirai's fifth year anniversary was observed under a low key atmosphere with opposition figures taking to social media to celebrate his legacy.

Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) leader Nelson Chamisa paid a tribute to Tsvangirai for his resilience against the Zanu-PF regime.

"Five years on. We are still standing! The struggle continues! The pursuit of justice never ends.The five key lessons you taught me; never keep or carry a grudge. Do not pursue vengeance. Seek peace with all men. Ignore haters, cynics and doomsayers. Stay focused, stay the course Rest in peace (RIP) Save," said Chamisa.

Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Union paid tribute to its former Secretary General saying his role in representing workers will never be forgotten.

"Today marks the 5th anniversary of the demise of our former Secretary General Morgan Richard Tsvangirai who led the ZCTU during one of the most turbulent periods for the labour movement and distinguished himself."

The apparent party that Tsvangirayi once led, MDC was mum in observing his fifth year anniversary with leader Douglas Mwonzora choosing the former leader's anniversary to expel his rival Elias Mudzuri from Senate.

Emerging from ZCTU, Tsvangirai was one of the founding fathers of a once formidable MDC in 1999 and gave the ruling party then under Robert Mugabe a run for its money, coming close in 2008 to topple the revolutionary party.

Tsvangirai served as PM in a Government of National Unity (GNU) from 2009 to 2013, in a period Zimbabwe experienced political and economic sanity.

However since his demise opposition has gone through turbulence resulting in splits with Thokozani Khupe claiming as the true heiress through a court victory over then MDC- Alliance leader Chamisa.

Khupe was then booted out of MDC by Mwonzora through an extraordinary congress in 2020.

Chamisa, who once claimed that he was anointed by Tsvangirai as his successor, formed his outfit last year dumping the MDC name and symbols.

According to political analyst Lazarus Sauti, opposition politics is now premised in the hands of CCC ahead of upcoming elections.

"To say the opposition is near to non-existent after Tsvangirai's death is far-fetched. CCC is doing well considering its performance during the 26 March 2022 by-elections," said Sauti.

Source - NewZimbabwe
More on: #Tsvangirai, #Death, #CCC