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Zinara de-registers unlicensed vehicles

by Staff reporter
20 Feb 2023 at 00:30hrs | Views
THE Zimbabwe National Road Administration (Zinara) and the Central Vehicle Registry (CVR) will de-register all vehicles that have not been licensed for two or more years from the national database.

In a statement issued yesterday, Zinara said the move is in line with the Vehicle Registry Licensing Act of Chapter 13:14 in Section 12 paragraphs (c) and (d).

The Act provides that the registrar shall not cancel the registration of a vehicle in terms of paragraph (c) or (d) before the lapse of 30 days after he has published his intention to do so by notice published in the Gazette and in a newspaper circulating in the district where the vehicle is.

"The Registrar may cancel the registration of the vehicle concerned if according to his records, a registered vehicle has not been licensed or exempted for a period exceeding two years and if s/he has reasonable grounds for believing that a registered vehicle is no longer required to be registered in terms of Section Six," reads part of the Act.

The Vehicle Registry Licensing Act of Chapter 13:14 Section Six requires every vehicle, which is to be used on any road to be registered.

If the owner of a vehicle fails to register it in terms of this Act, s\he shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding level four or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding three months or to both such fine and such imprisonment.

Zinara has said once the vehicles have been de-registered, the re-registration process will include the clearance of the outstanding vehicle licensing arrears and police clearance.

It further stated that the re-registration process will require a certificate of road-worthiness from the Vehicle Inspectorate Department (VID).

"To avoid de-registration of your vehicles, we appeal to our valued motoring public to comply by ensuring that their vehicles are properly licensed," said Zinara.

"Failure to comply will result in the automatic de-registration of your vehicle from the CVR database. Furthermore, kindly note that using a de-registered vehicle on Zimbabwe's roads is a criminal offence."

Source - The Chronicle