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Mliswa portrayed as a two-headed snake

by Staff reporter
19 Mar 2023 at 10:05hrs | Views
Former Zanu-PF Mashonaland West provincial chairperson and Norton legislator Temba Mliswa recently got emotional after being ridiculed for his Zanu-PF links by a ZimbabweDaily cartoonist.

The cartoon depicted Mliswa as a two-headed snake with one end dangling a Zanu-PF scarf on its neck to demonstrate his connection with the party.

Mliswa did not take gracious to the 'two ends of one snake' mockery.

"Zimbabwe Daily, have you heard the saying which goes, it's not about the colour of the cat but does it kill mice? Not to say I am, but what is wrong with being Zanu-PF? I'm very worried about why you think it's a problem for one to be part of Zanu-PF," said Mliswa.

"It shouldn't be a crime to be part of a political party. Again, I don't expect this from a serious media publication."

Mliswa suggested the cartoon could have been oiled by bribes in brown envelopes.

"This is the type of approach to news reporting that is driven by brown envelopes. My politics is about the people and nothing else.

"I have been able to discharge my duties more than those whom you may feel more inclined to support partisanly.

"Using an objective standard for being a legislator you shouldn't have a problem with me until and unless you have a veiled agenda to drive as you seem to do."

Source - online
More on: #Mliswa, #Bribes, #Cartoon