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Naked woman thrown out of speeding Honda Fit

by Staff reporter
28 Mar 2023 at 01:47hrs | Views
A 24-YEAR -OLD Shurugwi woman was robbed of valuables worth US$200 before she was stripped naked and pushed out of a speeding Honda Fit vehicle by robbers in Gweru.

Midlands provincial police spokesperson Inspector Emmanuel Mahoko confirmed the incident which occurred on 26 March around 9PM at Claybank Traffic Circle.

"The police are investigating a robbery case in which a 24-year-old woman from Shurugwi was robbed of cash and property worth US$200. The incident occurred on March 26 around 9 PM near Clay bank round about in Gweru," he said.

Insp Mahoko said the complainant boarded a white Honda fit at Cathedral bus stop in Gweru intending to go to Shurugwi. Inside the vehicle, he said, were four male occupants including the driver.

"Upon reaching Clay bank roundabout, Gweru, two male adult passengers jumped from the boot and they sat at the back seat beside the complainant," he said.

Insp Mahoko said one of the robbers allegedly hit the complainant on the forehead with an iron bar and took her Itel P38 cell phone, a bag containing various clothes, cash us$80 and the clothes she was wearing before pushing her out of the vehicle and driving towards Shurugwi

"The complainant then walked to Gweru Provincial Hospital where she was assisted with clothes. A report was made at ZRP Gweru Central and scene was attended. No arrests were made. Total value stolen is US $200 and nothing was recovered," he said.

Insp Mahoko appealed to members of the public who might have information leading to the arrest of the four suspects to approach any nearest police station with the information.

"We also urge the public to board public service vehicles as they appear to be safer than Mushikashika vehicles," he said.

Source - The Chronicle
More on: #Naked, #Honda, #Fit