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Fastjet plane aborts Bulawayo landing due to bad weather

by Staff reporter
29 Mar 2023 at 06:58hrs | Views
A Fastjet plane flying from Harare was forced to abort landing in Bulawayo Tuesday morning due to foggy weather.

The Embraer ERJ145 aircraft, which was due to touch down at 6.50am, was forced to turn back to Harare.

Joshua Mqabuko Nkomo Airport in Bulawayo does not have an instrument landing system – a precision landing aid that provides accurate azimuth and descent guidance signals to aircraft landing on the runway in poor weather conditions like fog.

Explaining the failed landing, Fastjet spokesman Nunurai Ndawana said: "The weather conditions were below the required minimum for a landing.

"With safety being our top priority, our standard procedure to divert was put into effect and returned to Harare."

The aircraft however took off a second time from Harare and landed safely at Joshua Mqabuko Nkomo International Airport shortly after 11am.

The failed landing caused disruption to dozens of passengers and its own flight schedule.

Airports Company of Zimbabwe spokesman Tonderai Mangombe referred questions to the Civil Aviation Authority of Zimbabwe.

Joshua Mqabuko Nkomo International Airport manager Passmore Dewa said he was attending a meeting in Harare, but told ZimLive that the incident was a "normal weather problem".

"There is nothing we can do about it, unfortunately," he said.

Source - ZimLive