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ZAPU plots SA demonstration against 'Diplomatic Mafia'

by Staff reporter
01 Apr 2023 at 07:39hrs | Views
Zimbabwe African People's Union (ZAPU), the oldest liberation war party, will stage demonstrations in South Africa where Uebert Angel,

Angel, who was appointed ambassador-at-large and a presidential envoy by Mnangagwa in March 2021, was secretly recorded boasting that he could launder as much as US$1.2 billion and equal worth in gold without any glitch.

The self styled prophet who is shown as the face of gold smuggling in Zimbabwe also revealed the web of gold smugglers which includes Zimbabwe Miners Federation president Henrietta Rushwaya, Kamlesh Pattni and Simon Rudland.

ZAPU in a statement said they will stage demonstrations in South Africa where Uebert Angel is expected next week.

"Following revelations by global media group Al Jazeera about gold smuggling and money laundering by the ruling elite in Zimbabwe and their surrogates, and following our subsequent statement condemning same, ZAPU is calling on every Zimbabwean from all over the world to join a defiance campaign to force our government to act on those implicated and for culprits to resign immediately."

Source - newzimbabwe
More on: #Zapu, #Demo, #Angel