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Gold dealer Ewan MacMillan makes racial slur against Mnangagwa's ambassador

by Staff reporter
14 Apr 2023 at 19:40hrs | Views
Loose-tongued gold baron Ewan MacMillan, who once branded Vice President Constantino Chiwenga a dunderhead, has returned with a racial slur against United Kingdom based Zimbabwe preacher Uebert Angel whom he described as a "black guy" who could not be trusted.

MacMillan was filmed by undercover Al Jazeera journalists posing as gangsters offering his services to launder over a billion US dollars on their behalf.

He also featured in the fourth and final instalment of the "Gold Mafia" documentary which aired Friday morning.

The bossy dealer's racial comment was about Angel, the under-fire Zimbabwe ambassador-at-large who has featured prominently in the corruption busting film as the face of Zimbabwe's dirty gold smuggling scandal.

In the documentary, MacMillan features as competitor to Angel, who featured in the first episode offering to use his diplomatic bag to launder US$1,2 billion.

In so doing, the dealer, who claims to be a business associate to President Emmerson Mnangagwa, makes a racial remark.

Macmillan warns the undercover journalists never to do business with a "black guy" whom he brands as sly.

"Do me a favour; whatever you do, listen to what I say.

"Don't invest with a black guy. You will die. They will tell you just lies.

"You'll invest, you'll lose all your money. Do not trust any black person," says the convicted gold smuggler.

Meanwhile, in the final documentary titled, "Have The King With You", Al Jazeera journalists posing as gangsters try to compare who between MacMillian and Angel has a better deal.

Angel nearly falls off his chair during one of the back-and-forth meetings with the undercover journalists when he hears they have made inroads with MacMillian.

Angel, on his part, toils to persuade the "gangsters" to engage controversial Zanu PF politician and gold dealer Pedzisai ‘Scott' Sakupwanya in the deal.

Sakupwanya, Zanu PF's aspiring Mabvuku parliamentary candidate, is also thought to be a front for some corrupt political elites who are key fundraisers for the ruling party's campaign in this year's election.

During the meeting with the journalists, Angel laughs sarcastically, saying, "You met a white guy" before pulling his mobile phone to show them an image of Sakupwanya.

He adds, "You know this guy right here; he is one of my guys. He is the biggest gold buyer in Zimbabwe."

Angel tells the undercover journalists that Sakupwanya has overtaken MacMillan as the country's biggest gold dealer because of his close relations with Mnangagwa.

The self-styled prophet proceeds to call and put on speaker, Sakupwanya who confirms selling "six tones" of gold in 10 months.

Angel asks, "Okay, so if somebody wants to invest with you, what happens?"

Sakupwanya responds, "I guess I can do 10 percent per month".

Angel goes on to ask, "So, if you get cash from someone, you give them 10 percent per month for every money they give you?", to which Sakupwanya responds with a "Yes."

In the conversation, Sakupwanya gives assurances that the funds will be paid in full and that he does not have any challenges transferring them from any part of the world.

Source - zimlive
More on: #Angl, #Racial, #Slur