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Zanu-PF kicks out Porusingazi

by Staff reporter
22 Apr 2023 at 19:01hrs | Views
Zanu-PF has ousted Enock Porusingazi and reinstated Robert Nyemudzo as party candidate in another twist to the Chipinge South primary election circus.

Nyemudzo, winner of a recent Zanu-PF primary election, was disqualified after being accused of brewing illicit beer and drug peddling at Checheche Growth Point.

In his place, the party installed sitting legislator Porusingazi who had come second during the internal balloting.

When Nyemudzo got disqualified, Zanu-PF spokesperson Christopher Mutsvangwa said a factory full of millions of Tumbwa (a type of harmful brew) was reportedly discovered at Nyemudzo's house.

"In Chipinge South, there was Robert Nyemudzo who was disqualified," Mutsvangwa said then, adding,"The reason is that, he allegedly owns a factory at his home and it is one of the biggest brewer of Tumbwa and Mutoriro.

"I saw some frightening pictures of small bottles in their millions which are used to bottle this dangerous stuff."

Nyemudzo was later dragged to court charged with contravening the Harmful Liquids Act (Chapter 9:10) and was remanded to April 24.

Reports say the politician has since been cleared of any wrongdoing by the party, paving way for his return to being party candidate in elections due not later than August this year.

Nyemudzo told state media Friday he was happy with the change of fortune.

"I am very happy. Cde Porusingazi has pledged to work with me, and it is now a given, the party and the President will win resoundingly in Chipinge South because we are one," he said.

"The party conducted its own investigations which cleared my name against those allegations, but protocol does not allow me to comment on that.

"Only the party's provincial leadership can comment on those issues."

Zanu-PF national political commissar Mike Bimha announced Wednesday the party has concluded its final list of candidates for elections.

Source - zimlive