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'WhatsApp groups dividing Zanu-PF'

by Staff reporter
04 May 2023 at 01:11hrs | Views
FORMER State Security minister Owen Ncube has pleaded with Zanu-PF members to disband divisive social media groups which he says are fanning factionalism in the Midlands province.

Ncube was sacked as State security minister last year, but he has remained the party's secretary for security in the province.

Ncube was given the boot for allegedly instigating post-election violence in the Midlands province and causing disharmony in Zanu-PF.

The Gokwe-Kana legislator has been on a whirlwind tour of the Midlands province campaigning for Zanu-PF and President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

Speaking last week at a Zanu-PF Mberengwa district meeting, Ncube said party members should desist from insulting each other on WhatsApp groups.

"We are seeing you are insulting each other on WhatsApp groups," Ncube said.

"Close those groups so that we establish Zanu-PF groups. If you have won the primary elections, don't create a group to denounce those you defeated. Don't leave behind those whom you think did not vote for you," he said.

Addressing another inter-district meeting in Zvishavane, Ncube described Mnangagwa as the head of a train.

"We are now defending the revolution," he said.

"We are defending the party that liberated us. We can only defend this through voting for baba (father) Mnangagwa. We are now geared for elections and Zanu-PF is a train with one head and that head is Mnangagwa."

Source - Southern Eye