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Zanu-PF turns Culture Month launch into party event

by Staff reporter
28 May 2023 at 03:09hrs | Views
Zanu-PF yesterday turned the launch of the National Culture Month programme at Kariyangwe Secondary School in Binga into a party event with supporters waving placards praising President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

The National Culture Month  which is running under the theme Promoting Cultural Diversity Unity and Peace  was held in Chief Siansali's area.

Ushers were seen dishing out countless placards to villagers inscribed "2023 Elections: Binga Yese ED Pfee!, President ED Mnangagwa 2023! and Zvamauya zvanaka ED! among others.

The event meant to celebrate culture, also saw some people in the area clad in Zanu regalia and Mnangangwa chanting Zanu-PF slogans.

Speaking during the launch, Mnangangwa urged people to desist from violence during the fortchcoming elections to be held in August.

"As we focus on the upcoming 2023 harmonised elections, due to be held in August, let us uphold love, unity, peace and harmony," he said.

"We say no to violence and reject any other machinations bent on causing disunity and divisions among us.

Source - the standard
More on: #Zanu-pf, #Culture, #Party