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Bonface Mudzingwa favoured ahead of Shakemore Muzvidzwa in CCC race

by Staff reporter
28 May 2023 at 03:24hrs | Views
Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) leader, Nelson Chamisa is reportedly interfering with that party's candidate selection process and was recently in Bikita East constituency in support of aspiring candidate, Bonface Mudzingwa.

A source who spoke to this publication said that Chamisa visited Bikita East constituency last week and held a caucus meeting with that party's leadership in Bikita.

During the caucus, Chamisa said that he would not interfere with the candidate selection process but argued that Mudzingwa was a better candidate compared to his rival, Shakemore Muzvidzwa.

"Chamisa was here last weekend and he held a caucus meeting with the leadership. He clearly said that it was his wish for Mudzingwa to be given the nod ahead of Muzvidzwa. His argument was that Mudzingwa has a capacity to wrestle the seat from Zanu-PF considering that in 2018, he garnered 8 542 votes against Zanu-PF's 10 261," said the source.

The same source added that Chamisa's visit was interpreted as a psychological operation meant to make Muzvidzwa to step down.

According to the source, Chamisa's favourite, Mudzingwa was not wanted in Bikita East as he is accused of being pompous and rude to the electorate.

"Mudzingwa wacho arikudiwa nemukuru haadiwe ne vanhu.  Anovhaira uye anoda zvekurwa nevanhu. We don't want him here in Bikita East," said the source.

Chamisa reportedly angered people at Mandadzaka Business Centre in Bikita when he offered 42 people a mere US$10 to share amongst themselves.

"Can you imagine that Chamisa passed through Mandadzaka Business Centre and gave 42 people only US$10 to share among themselves. People were angry with him and they accused him of mocking them. He also went to Silveria dip tank and gave US$100 to 82 people. Vanhu vaipopota kuti Chamisa atitsvinyira nekutipa tumari tushoma shoma," said the source.

Meanwhile, CCC candidate selection process is yet to be completed and members are getting increasingly impatient. It is reported that some frustrated aspiring candidates were now contemplating standing as independent candidates in the forthcoming elections.

Source - online