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Mystery death in Emganwini leaves community shaken

by Staff reporter
17 Jun 2023 at 08:07hrs | Views
RESIDENTS of Emganwini suburb in Bulawayo were jolted from their slumber by a chilling discovery yesterday morning. As the first rays of sunlight pierced through the sleepy neighbourhood, a man's lifeless body was found outside his home's gate by his distraught wife.

The sombre scene gripped the community, with onlookers maintaining a respectful distance while others rallied around the grieving family, offering solace in their time of unimaginable sorrow.

Confirming the incident, Bulawayo police spokesperson, Inspector Abednico Ncube, revealed that authorities have launched a thorough investigation.

"We are investigating a case of sudden death where a man was found lifeless by his wife outside his gate in the early hours of the morning," said Inspector Ncube.

The gravity of the situation was evident as the Chronicle news crew arrived at the scene around 10am.

Police officers diligently combed the area, collecting evidence and diligently piecing together the puzzle of the tragic event, while concerned residents gathered, desperately seeking answers to the haunting questions that lingered in the air.

Whispers within the community suggested that the man had been found hanging over his own gate, adding an even more macabre layer to the already disturbing tableau.

A resident shaken to the core by the incident, a Nkomo, expressed his disbelief and unease. He articulated the collective sentiments of the neighbourhood, emphasising the need for closure and a comprehensive investigation to shed light on the mysterious circumstances surrounding this untimely demise. Though hesitant to speculate, he fervently hoped that justice would prevail, and any malevolent forces responsible would face the consequences of their actions.

"I have never seen such a thing in my life because it's quite surprising how a person can be found hanging over a gate like that. I cannot say what I think happened because that is the police's job but the only thing I am hoping for is that proper investigations are done so that if foul play was involved the culprits can be brought into the hands of justice," said Nkomo.

Sanelisiwe Dube, another resident who had a personal connection with the now-deceased, echoed the shock and bewilderment shared by all. Expressing her dismay, she bemoaned the tragic nature of his passing, saying that it could have befallen anyone, even her own loved ones. As she recounted her encounter with the grim scene while en route to work, her voice trembled with grief and disbelief.

"I was on my way to work when I saw scores of people standing here and was surprised to learn this guy is the one who was found dead. The manner in which he was found is very scary and would make you wonder what really happened to him. I can only hope his family gets consoled because this is very hard," Sanelisiwe said.

In their grief-stricken state, the family of the deceased declined to comment, understandably overwhelmed by shock and sorrow.

Source - The Chronicle