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SA envoy officiates at Lemba Day commemorations

by Staff reporter
21 Jun 2023 at 01:21hrs | Views
THE VaRemba clan around Zimbabwe last week gathered in the Mharepare area under Chief Mposi in Mberengwa, Midlands province, to celebrate Lemba Day, which is meant to preserve customs of the ethnic group believed to have originated in Israel.

Jewish Messianic International Ministries overseer Jefius Matandu said the Lemba Day is commemorated annually.

"The Lemba are believed to be Jews (Israelites) from the Biblical tribe of Aaron, who, in the Babylonian captivity, migrated to Africa and settled in Mozambique, Zimbabwe and South Africa. This day is meant to commemorate our history as a Jewish tribe and uphold our customs and culture," he said.

Guest of honour and South Africa's ambassador to Zimbabwe Rejoice Mabudafhasi said the Lemba culture had helped in the fight against HIV and Aids through its mandatory circumcision practice.

"The Lemba tribe upholds mandatory circumcision for all males from childhood and this has helped in the fight against HIV and Aids.

"We are happy that our government took our idea and it's now helping a lot of other people through the smart circumcision programmes.

"As our culture as well, we value virginity for our girl child and discourage child marriages," she said.

Chief Mposi Mupangeri, who is also a Lemba, said they did not believe in intermarriages.

Source - newsday
More on: #Lembe, #Envoy, #Mberengwa