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'America wants Chamisa'

by Staff reporter
26 Jun 2023 at 14:49hrs | Views
SOUTH African ruling party ANC's Secretary General Fikile Mbalula has labelled Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) President Nelson Chamisa an American puppet in his latest rant over Zimbabwe.

Mbalula was addressing scores of party supporters at Western Cape's 9th Provincial Conference over the weekend.

The Zimbabwean situation popped up in his hour-long delivery after he explained South Africa's recent tiff with America over its non-aligned position on Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Outspoken Mbalula accused America of abusing its military superiority to determine regime change across the world, with Zimbabwe having been a prime target during late President Robert Mugabe's tenure.

He revealed South Africa had always been against America's sanctions regime, which they argued would bring Zimbabwe to its knees.

"We opposed the sanctions and told them they would be detrimental to the growth of Zimbabwe," said Mbalula.

"Mnangagwa conducted a coup d'état and removed Mugabe, they are still not satisfied. Till they get their puppet in power they will never be satisfied.

"Mnangagwa brought some reforms but they (America) did not want those reforms because they want a man called Chamisa. They want him to be the leader of a new Zimbabwe.

"In the meantime, Zimbabwe as a country has moved to South Africa, from Gugulethu to Khayelitsha there is Zimbabwe there."

America has been on record saying it does not involve itself in sovereign matters.

Chamisa is Mnangagwa's front competitor at this year's elections where he will, for the second time, seek to unseat the Zanu-PF stalwart.

Chamisa managed 44.3% of the presidential vote in 2018 and 88 seats in Parliament.

Besides Botswana, he has struggled to gain regional support from a Southern African region dominated by liberation movements that have much in common with Mnangagwa's Zanu-PF.

Source - NewZimbabwe
More on: #Chamisa, #America, #Anc