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Zanu-PF ropes in Moza militia?

by Staff reporter
18 Jul 2023 at 01:26hrs | Views
MOZAMBIQUE's ruling FRELIMO party is campaigning for Zanu-PF, its Chipinge South candidate Enock Porusingazi and President Emmerson Mnangagwa in the rural constituency, has learnt.

A video doing rounds captures a FRELIMO official telling supporters in Chipinge South's Ward 28 that their government was prepared to shoot and kill any businessperson who fails to support Zanu-PF at the August 23 polls.

The official, whose name is not given and was in the company of an army commander said a loss for Zanu-PF or Mnangagwa will signal the end of Zimbabwe's relationship with Mozambique.

Efforts to contact Zanu-PF spokesperson were fruitless.

"FRELIMO's message to businesspeople is that they should support Zanu-PF; if they fail to do so we have brought with us a commander in our army, he shoots, he will shoot as he does back home," said the official.

"It is better that we end our relationship if Mnangagwa loses, we would not want you in Mozambique. We want you to support Porusingazi and Mnangagwa.

"The FRELIMO head office says that we will not lose to the MDC or CCC."

Zanu-PF and FRELIMO's relationship goes back to days of the liberation struggle. FRELIMO supported Zimbabwe's fight for independence, housing, feeding and training thousands of Zanu-PF's fighters.

Over the years, the two countries have collaborated in fighting insurgency along their border, to Zimbabwe's East.

Source - newzimbabwe