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Mnangagwa's Zanu-PF busses thousand to Cowdry park rally

by Staff reporter
03 Aug 2023 at 06:44hrs | Views
UNPRECEDENTED scenes were witnessed yesterday as thousands of people from all walks of life swarmed an open space near Mkhithika Primary School in Cowdray Park suburb, Bulawayo where President Mnangagwa addressed them during a Zanu-PF Star Rally.

Zanu-PF supporters, in their multitudes, gathered to defend the revolution and cement the ruling party's dominance.

President Mnangagwa was grateful for the support and thanked the people.

He said King Mzilikazi and his son, King Lobengula would have been proud to witness scores of people making their way to the venue of the seventh Zanu-PF star rally.

On Sunday, President Mnangagwa was at Nkayi Centre in Matebeleland North province where he addressed thousands of party supporters. The rally was described as a resounding success.

Despite the sultry yet windy weather, the party faithful came in their numbers. By 8AM, scores of people were already at the venue waiting for the arrival of the President.

By mid-morning, the venue was a sea of people clad in Zanu-PF regalia waving the ruling party flag in the wind.

A carnival atmosphere gripped the Cowdray Park suburb.

The rally which was the talk of the city, brought together people from all walks of life, young and old to meet President Mnangagwa and Team Zanu-PF.

As the team "captain" President Mnangagwa, is leading the Zanu-PF campaign trail to drum up support for candidates in the province.

Zanu-PF Politburo member and Finance Minister Professor Mthuli Ncube, who is the candidate for Cowdray Park Constituency, was also there to meet the President.

Entertainment, which was provided by LMG Choir kept the mood electric as people danced and sang revolutionary songs such as the timeless, Yithi Laba.

Chief Hwenje, who has become a common feature at Zanu-PF rallies, was not to be outdone as he took to the dance floor to ramp up support for Zanu-PF, leading thousands in singing the popular tune, Mai Welly.

President Mnangagwa landed at Joshua Mqabuko International Airport, shortly after 10 AM and immediately headed to Cowdray Health Centre to commission the facility.

Part of the crowd in the VIP tent were Zanu-F Second Secretary Kembo Mohadi, Secretary for Youth Tino Machakaire, Politburo members Advocate Jacob Mudenda and Tshinga Dube, Raj Modi, Prof Ncube, Bulawayo provincial chairman Jabulani Sibanda, Deputy Secretary for Security Tendai Chirau, Cdes Makhosini Hlongwane, Jorum Gumbo, Molly Mpofu, Sandra Ndebele-Sibindi, and Archie Muponda.

When President Mnangagwa arrived the already electric atmosphere reached fever pitch as the thousands welcomed him soon after disembarking from his car in the company of First Lady Amai Auxillia Mnangagwa.

He was met by his deputies in the party, Dr Constantino Chiwenga and Mohadi, along with Zanu-PF Secretary for Administration Dr Obert Mpofu, National Political Commissar Dr Mike Bimha, Cdes Mudenda, Chirau, Machakaire, Elifasi Mashava, President of the Chief's Council Chief Fortune Charumbira and his deputy, Chief Mtshane Khumalo.

He immediately went into a briefing and when he emerged from the meeting, he was greeted by thousands of people amid wild cheers and slogans.

"ED Pfee, and ED Huchi," were some of the phrases used by supporters as the President moved around with the First Lady waving fists and shaking hands with lucky ones.

After his keynote address, which touched on several development projects, President Mnangagwa was given 14 heifers by the Zanu-PF Bulawayo Province.

He then toured a solar-powered computer bus donated by the Zanu-PF candidate for the National Assembly seat in Bulawayo South, Modi.

Miss Tjatiwa Phuthi travelled all the way from Plumtree to meet President Mnangagwa.
"I am from Plumtree and when the President was in my province, I was not around to witness the recent Matebeleland South Star Rally. So, I decided to come and see for myself when I heard that he will be here in Bulawayo," she said.

"I travelled overnight and although I was seated at the back, I was following proceedings, and enjoying the atmosphere here."

Miss Silungile Khumalo from Nkulumane suburb in Bulawayo said she could not wait to join Single Mothers 4ED, an association she got wind of during yesterday's rally.

"The President spoke about many things and what was worth noting was that everyone under his leadership will be a landlord and that there will be no load shedding. The President said he will bring an end to Bulawayo's water problems," she said.

"I was particularly interested when he mentioned the affiliate organisations such as Single Mothers 4ED. I will definitely register for that."

Miss Charmaine Ncube said: "The words of the President rang true when he said we should not look at others to build our nation, but rather take the initiative to build it as Zimbabweans.

As he said Ilizwe lakhiwa, libuswe, lithandazelwe, ngabanikazi balo, this philosophy is true and that's one of the many takeaways from the President's speech."

Mr Morris Dube said the opening of the Cowdray Park Health Centre is a welcome development in Cowdray Park.

"The opening of the clinic is a good development because we had to walk a long distance to the terminus to access healthcare.

We also spent hours before being attended to because of queues," he said. "The road is now smooth and this development is positive for us since public transporters were shunning this route because of the bad state of the road, but now all that is gone because of these developments."

Zanu-PF candidate for Ward 20 in Bulawayo, Sandra Ndebele-Sibindi said she was honoured to have met the President.

Source - The Herald