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Mnangagwa says Zanu-PF will chuck out opposition out of Parliament

by Staff reporter
03 Aug 2023 at 06:47hrs | Views
PRESIDENT Emmerson Mnangagwa has declared that his Zanu-PF party will drive the opposition out of Parliament and councils come August 23.

He made the remarks during a Zanu-PF campaign rally in Cowdray Park, Bulawayo, yesterday.

He said the opposition members were too talkative, while his party was known for delivering services to the people.

Mnangagwa was accompanied by his wife Auxillia and Vice-President Constantino Chiwenga among other top Zanu-PF officials.

He said Zanu-PF will continue to win elections as it has done before and called on all opposition parties to move out of councils and Parliament because the institutions belong to the ruling party.

"I say all opposition parties must move out of local councils and Parliament. All local councils and Parliament belong to Zanu-PF. We will win resoundingly," Mnangagwa declared.

"The opposition has failed across the country. All the local authorities they control are a shame to the nation. Zanu-PF's signature is that we deliver, the opposition talks in the morning, afternoon and at night, Zanu-PF is about action."

Mnangagwa bragged that Zanu-PF candidates arrived on time at the nomination courts, adding that those who were disqualified for being late must reclaim their fees.

He paid tribute to Zanu-PF for winning some seats uncontested in Bulawayo.

"We have comprehensive plans to revitalise Bulawayo to be an industrial hub; the first step is to supply water. In the past, only 35% of the products were produced locally but today 80% are produced locally.

"I appeal to those in the diaspora continue to be patriotic and remember where you come from, remember where your mother gave you birth at," he said.

Source - newsday