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Wife of original Zapu senior official dies

by Staff reporter
04 Aug 2023 at 08:34hrs | Views
The wife of a senior original Zapu official and former Mines deputy minister Jini Ntuta - Emily Ntuta (nee Nyathi) - has died.

Emily lived hell on earth as her husband, a fearless nationalist and Zapu secretary for defence, was killed in cold blood at the height of Gukurahundi in 1984.

Ntuta, also an MP, was gunned down by Fifth Brigade soldiers in fields near his Nyamandlovu home in Matabeleland North province on 25 November 1984.

He was hunted down, chased and then shot dead by three gunmen.

Zapu said at the time he was killed by security forces acting on the orders of Colonel Derek Flint Magama who was based at 1 Infantry Brigade (Khumalo Barracks) in Bulawayo where he was then Brigadier-General Constantino Chiwenga's deputy.

Magama was reportedly notorious for torture and killings during Gukurahundi.

He died in Mozambique on 27 January 1986 during a military operation there.

Apparently, Magama's father was the late David Zizirai Mavima, also the Minister of State for Provincial Affairs and Devolution for Midlands Larry Mavima's father.

Source - newshawks