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Why Zanu-PF must win at any cost!
06 Aug 2023 at 03:25hrs | Views

Let me start with that intellectual prostitute, Professor Jonathan Moyo, who, from his hide-out somewhere in Kenya is breathing fire and brimstone on a poor white man, David Coltart.
David wrote a tweet (now called an X) saying he sympathised with Jonathan over the gruesome death of his late father, at the hands of Gukurahundi in 1983.
At receiving the tweet, Jonathan went bizerk, writing a long winding memo, whose words I estimated to run into 5 000. Typical of him, Jonathan finds fault with David being a white man, having been born in Rhodesia — taking David to the well as the Shona idiom goes, for no reason at all.
Jonathan's letter exposes all the weaknesses of Zanu-PF, and explains why even after 43 years in power, the leadership have no option but to win the election, by hook or by crook.
Jonathan, Patrick Zhuwao, and the ebullient Saviour Kasukuwere (Passenger Number 34) are now hiding in some hide-outs, changing bedrooms as night falls, for fear that stalwart spies from Zimbabwe will catch up with them.
Your offenses have nothing to do with some criminalities you committed in Zimbabwe, you sluggards. You fell out of favour of the ruling cabal.
The shoe is on your foot now.
Now, about elections, what if the whole system was to fall into the hands of Nelson Chamisa?
Luke 13:28
28 "There will be weeping there, and gnashing of teeth, when you see Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God, but you yourselves thrown out."
I have a feeling that US disinformation services have been leaking various pieces of information at a time when that information would be very dangerous for Zanu-PF.
I have been told that the US$15 billion, which went missing during Robert Mugabe's regime is traceable. A former minister of finance is said to have some knowledge of the "hidden funds".
Mugabe is alleged to have employed a former Colonel to buy properties in Durban, Johannesburg, Cape Town, and Dubai with cash.
Eddie Cross must have read from the same intelligence I read (British) that Grace Mugabe is allegedly hiding US$5.3 billion somewhere.
Arthur Mutambara has revealed that high chefs got their ill-gotten wealth by "burning money." There was an arrangement with the Reserve Bank to buy US dollars at given prices and sell it on the black market. A hundred US dollars sold 20 times could accumulate thousands of dollars.
We know, through High Court papers, that Bona Mugabe (age 35) owns 22 farms. Her husband says in divorce papers that that may be the tip of the iceberg.
There were only two copies of the first land audit. The results were so shocking that the president allegedly ordered the second copy to be burned.
There have been three more, and none of them have been published.
Before Al Jazeera's Gold Mafia report, various US Congressional reports zeroed in on Brother Owen Mudha in the KweKwe region. The words "thug" and "runner" appear in the reports. This brother is alleged to have acted in brutal and gruesome fashion to gold miners who refused to sell their products to him. Mudha was a minister of state for security.
My experience in Jamaica leads me to believe that the yo-yo reaction of the Zee dollar may be orchestrated by outside forces.
Back to the main argument. What if the government changed hands?
There is another reason for stalwart judges, senior civil servants, senior police officers and others to keep the faith. Say one is a chief superintendent in the police force.
Every motorist who has been stopped at a roadblock will remember the police trying hard to find fault with one's tires. They have no receipt book. The fine is US$100. If the motorist does not pay, he parks his car by the roadside till cows come home.
Senior officers have discretionary powers over those funds. Use your imagination. My intelligence report says that a former commissioner Augustine Chihuri might have presided over US$50 million during his tenure. Chihuri is living in a secret hide-out in Malawi even as we speak.
This means that many senior officers cannot live comfortably outside the circumference of discretionary funds available to them.
Neither can they afford to retire.
The fact that 100 CCC campaign rallies were prohibited by police is no surprise. These officers cannot afford to be less than resolute, principled, and stalwart.
In this they are fully backed by heroic judges who lock up the saints; Job Sikhaka has been locked up without trial as it should be.
In pointing out Chamisa's weaknesses, Jonathan forgot that in 2016, US citizens were so fed up with the Bill Clinton's corrupt family that they voted for a buffoon, Donald Trump.
Jonathan, my dear brother, the issue is that even a slight change of regime will deprive a powerful group of cadres who are privy to discretionary funds. Judges will have to learn the law and police will no longer be an occupying force.
That is scary.
Ken Mufuka is a Zimbabwean patriot. He writes form the US; He can be reached at
David wrote a tweet (now called an X) saying he sympathised with Jonathan over the gruesome death of his late father, at the hands of Gukurahundi in 1983.
At receiving the tweet, Jonathan went bizerk, writing a long winding memo, whose words I estimated to run into 5 000. Typical of him, Jonathan finds fault with David being a white man, having been born in Rhodesia — taking David to the well as the Shona idiom goes, for no reason at all.
Jonathan's letter exposes all the weaknesses of Zanu-PF, and explains why even after 43 years in power, the leadership have no option but to win the election, by hook or by crook.
Jonathan, Patrick Zhuwao, and the ebullient Saviour Kasukuwere (Passenger Number 34) are now hiding in some hide-outs, changing bedrooms as night falls, for fear that stalwart spies from Zimbabwe will catch up with them.
Your offenses have nothing to do with some criminalities you committed in Zimbabwe, you sluggards. You fell out of favour of the ruling cabal.
The shoe is on your foot now.
Now, about elections, what if the whole system was to fall into the hands of Nelson Chamisa?
Luke 13:28
28 "There will be weeping there, and gnashing of teeth, when you see Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God, but you yourselves thrown out."
I have a feeling that US disinformation services have been leaking various pieces of information at a time when that information would be very dangerous for Zanu-PF.
I have been told that the US$15 billion, which went missing during Robert Mugabe's regime is traceable. A former minister of finance is said to have some knowledge of the "hidden funds".
Mugabe is alleged to have employed a former Colonel to buy properties in Durban, Johannesburg, Cape Town, and Dubai with cash.
Eddie Cross must have read from the same intelligence I read (British) that Grace Mugabe is allegedly hiding US$5.3 billion somewhere.
Arthur Mutambara has revealed that high chefs got their ill-gotten wealth by "burning money." There was an arrangement with the Reserve Bank to buy US dollars at given prices and sell it on the black market. A hundred US dollars sold 20 times could accumulate thousands of dollars.
We know, through High Court papers, that Bona Mugabe (age 35) owns 22 farms. Her husband says in divorce papers that that may be the tip of the iceberg.
There have been three more, and none of them have been published.
Before Al Jazeera's Gold Mafia report, various US Congressional reports zeroed in on Brother Owen Mudha in the KweKwe region. The words "thug" and "runner" appear in the reports. This brother is alleged to have acted in brutal and gruesome fashion to gold miners who refused to sell their products to him. Mudha was a minister of state for security.
My experience in Jamaica leads me to believe that the yo-yo reaction of the Zee dollar may be orchestrated by outside forces.
Back to the main argument. What if the government changed hands?
There is another reason for stalwart judges, senior civil servants, senior police officers and others to keep the faith. Say one is a chief superintendent in the police force.
Every motorist who has been stopped at a roadblock will remember the police trying hard to find fault with one's tires. They have no receipt book. The fine is US$100. If the motorist does not pay, he parks his car by the roadside till cows come home.
Senior officers have discretionary powers over those funds. Use your imagination. My intelligence report says that a former commissioner Augustine Chihuri might have presided over US$50 million during his tenure. Chihuri is living in a secret hide-out in Malawi even as we speak.
This means that many senior officers cannot live comfortably outside the circumference of discretionary funds available to them.
Neither can they afford to retire.
The fact that 100 CCC campaign rallies were prohibited by police is no surprise. These officers cannot afford to be less than resolute, principled, and stalwart.
In this they are fully backed by heroic judges who lock up the saints; Job Sikhaka has been locked up without trial as it should be.
In pointing out Chamisa's weaknesses, Jonathan forgot that in 2016, US citizens were so fed up with the Bill Clinton's corrupt family that they voted for a buffoon, Donald Trump.
Jonathan, my dear brother, the issue is that even a slight change of regime will deprive a powerful group of cadres who are privy to discretionary funds. Judges will have to learn the law and police will no longer be an occupying force.
That is scary.
Ken Mufuka is a Zimbabwean patriot. He writes form the US; He can be reached at
Source - the standard