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Jacob Mudenda says, 'Vote Zanu-PF to thank Mnangagwa for development'

by Staff reporter
12 Aug 2023 at 15:38hrs | Views
SPEAKER of Parliament Advocate Jacob Mudenda who is a Zanu-PF Politburo member has said Zimbabweans can thank President Mnangagwa for the various developmental projects he has spearheaded in the Second Republic by voting for him and the party.

Zimbabwe goes into harmonised elections on August 2023, with political parties already in full campaign mode.

Adv Mudenda addressed the ruling party's rally at Vulindlela Secondary School in Kachechete ward in Hwange West Constituency on Friday and implored the electorate to rally behind Zanu-PF candidates including President Mnangagwa, to continue with the development being implemented through the Devolution Agenda.

He said elections are a way of cementing the right to freedom and vote which many departed sons and daughters of Zimbabwe went to war for to liberate the country.

"The message I have brought you today is this, we are heading towards elections. We are voting because we are proud that as Zimbabweans we fought and got our independence.

"That vote didn't just come, people of Hwange we are blessed because we were responsible for helping freedom fighters to cross into Zambia and back carrying firearms to liberate this country so we get right to vote. That vote shows that we give mandate to the candidates and reminding them their power comes from us voters," he said.

The constituency comprises of Victoria Falls urban and surrounding rural areas.

Moyo will battle it out with Victoria Falls Mayor Councillor Somveli Dlamini who opted to stand as MP candidate on the MDC-T ticket and Vusumuzi Moyo of Citizens Coalition for Change.

Adv Mudenda urged the electorate to vote into power an MP that will go to Parliament and be able to advocate for development, and cause setting aside of budget for building roads in the constituency.

"We vote for Zanu-PF to advance the development agenda. Development comes through a mediator. If you elect a Zanu-PF MP, that's a mediator that will go to President Mnangagwa on your behalf and to Parliament where is lead. Parliament tis a house for all laws.

"Vote President Mnangagwa to be the leader of Zimbabwe from 2023 to 2028. President Mnangagwa has done a lot in terms of development. Your thank you to him should be on 23 August when you will vote in numbers.

"Today I promise you President Mnangagwa will be elected and get into power and lead even those in opposition. If you vote well which I hope you will, and give President Mnangagwa another term, all these things will be done for you," he said while urging people to remain united.

The Speaker encouraged people to exercise their right to vote.

"Let's all vote on 23 August, that's your right that came through blood and sweat of liberation fighters.

Hwange had no Zanu-PF MPs and councillors because people are saying we have made mistakes. Let us vote into power our MPs and councillors so that we many of them in Parliament and council and so I hope you will vote well," said Adv Mudenda.

He appealed to all citizens to vote for Zanu-PF saying voting the opposition negatively affects development.

He appealed to the electorate to be patient with those voted into power so that they fully implement their mandate.

Adv Mudenda challenged youth to shun drug and substance abuse saying this destroys the future of the country.

Source - The Chronicle