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PPP backs Chamisa

by Staff reporter
23 Aug 2023 at 01:35hrs | Views
THE People's Patriotic Party (PPP) has declared that it is rallying behind Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) leader Nelson Chamisa's bid to be Zimbabwe's next president.

In a statement yesterday, the party's president Zvaringeni Samuel Chasi pledged to support Chamisa in tomorrow's elections to choose the country's next president, legislators and councillors.

Chamisa is facing President Emmerson Mnangagwa and eight other candidates in the presidential race.

"In terms of Articles 2,18 (1), 24, 27 and 42 of the PPP constitution and standing orders, we officially make a special endorsement to Chamisa of the CCC as presidential candidate for August 23 Harmonised Elections in Zimbabwe," Chasi said.

The endorsement and solidarity support for the CCC is in accordance with the party's ideology and its right to exercise its free will given to every Zimbabwean citizen to initiate a revolutionary process which cannot be altered or postponed, he said.

"As an organisation with radical policies and approach, we sustain our counterparts, the CCC, as a fraternal liberation movement as in the preamble with Zanla and Zipra whose objective as guerrillas was to defeat the oppressive system (sic).

"We have unanimously undertaken to render maximum support to the CCC from our membership drawn from our structures, wings and affiliates which include bona fide veterans of the struggle, without any form of coalition or alliance at this crucial time as opposition must stand as one voice not battle fellow opposition, but recognise that the enemy is Zanu-PF.

"Every vote in the ballot by the citizens counts and is their secret not to disclose such under intimidation from any militia with the intention of future threats … it's … a clarion call for each of us to play our role and consecrate (sic) our skills to this crucial struggle," he added.

Source - Southern Eye