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Zimbabwe police put elections command centre under lockdown

by Staff reporter
25 Aug 2023 at 19:42hrs | Views
Police have blocked some major roads around Harare's central business district as tension continues to build over the just ended elections.

The roads that were blocked are those leading to the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (Zec) in downtown Harare and the Harare International Conference Centre, which is the command centre for the polls.

Armed riot police have mounted roadblocks in the area and water canons have been deployed near the command centre.

Driving schools that operate around the area have also been told to move away.

Zec is announcing results of parliamentary and local government elections from the constituency level while the presidential election result will be announced from the command centre in Harare.

Preliminary results started trickling in on Thursday with both the ruling Zanu-PF and Citizens Coalition for Change claiming victory.

Source - newsday