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Zanu-PF calls Nevers Muumba to order

by Staff reporter
25 Aug 2023 at 19:43hrs | Views
Zanu-PF has ripped into the Southern Africa Development Community head of observer mission, Nevers Muumba, accusing him of producing a "biased" report about the elections held on Wednesday.
Addressing a Press conference in Harare on Friday, party spokesperson Christopher Mutsvangwa described Muumba as unfit to serve as an election observer but a preacher.

Mutsvangwa accused Muumba of overstepping his mandate by criticising the Zanu-PF affiliate, the Forever Associates Zimbabwe, which reportedly victimized voters in the run-up, during and after the elections.

Mutsvangwa said Muumba was biased against FAZ and exposed his soft spot on electoral watchdogs, the Zimbabwe Electoral Support Network and the Elections Resource Centre.

Source - newsday