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Zanu-PF gains majority of proportional representation seats in Matebeleland

by Staff reporter
28 Aug 2023 at 01:53hrs | Views
ZANU-PF has clinched a majority of party proportional representation seats in Bulawayo and Matebeleland South provinces while the main opposition party Citizens' Coalition for Change (CCC) secured more seats in Matebeleland North.

The revolutionary party has 10 Provincial Council seats in Bulawayo, which it won unopposed after other political parties failed to submit their nominations.

Molly Mpofu will represent Zanu-PF in the Senate while Judith Ncube will represent the party in the Women's quota.

Cdes Mamala Motsi, Ebbie Dube, Kundai Nyika, Thenjiwe Nleya, Mollina Dube, Mabutho Moyo, Thabo Thwala, Golden Ndlovu, Mnothisi Nsingo and Mlungisi Moyo form the Bulawayo Provincial Council while Ms Helen Zivira, Mr Gideon Shoko, Ms Siphiwe Ncube, Mr Magalela Sibanda and Ms Ritar Ndlovu will represent CCC in the Senate.

Ms Stabile Mlilo, Ms Jasmine Toffa, Dr Thokozani Khuphe, Ms Janeth Dube and Ms Samukeliso Maseko are in the Women's quota while Ms Elizabeth Zana will represent the opposition under the Youth quota.

In Matebeleland South, Zanu-PF and CCC managed to share the Provincial Council seats, Women's quota and the Senate seats while Tinashe Tafadzwa won the Youth quota seat.

Tambudzani Mohadi, Richard Ndlovu and Esther Nyathi will represent Zanu-PF in the Senate while CCC will be represented by Ms Meline Phuthi, Mr Solani Moyo and Ms Nonhlanhla Mlotshwa.

Cdes Rossy Mpofu, Evelyn Ndlovu and Patricia Diana Ndudzo will represent Zanu-PF in the Women's quota with Ms Nomathemba Ndlovu, Ms Velisiwe Nkomo and Ms Sithabisiwe Moyo representing CCC.

In Matebeleland North province, Mr Lovejoy Sibanda (CCC) won the Youth quota seat.

Zanu-PF will be represented by Cdes Simangele Mthombeni, Nqobizitha Maphosa, Sibongile Nyoni, Bekezela Sibanda and Sithandubuhle Sibanda in the Provincial Council.

Ms Rodah Ncube, Mr Mandlenkosi Siwela, Ms Carolyn Ndlovu, Mr Mbire Maundura and Ms Matches Mudimba are also in the Provincial Council under the CCC ticket.

Under the Women's quota, Cdes Mail Nkomo, Elizabeth Masuku and Lusyomo Nyelele are the ruling party representatives while CCC has Ms Lethulo Ndebele, Ms Francisca Ncube, and Ms Memory Linyani.

Zanu-PF Secretary-General Dr Obert Mpofu, together with Cdes Alice Dube and Rebecca Fanuel are in the Senate while CCC has Ms Annastasia Moyo, Mr Gabbuza Gabbuza and Ms Tendai Sibanda.

Zanu-PF also won an absolute majority of 136 of the 210 seats in the national assembly while ccc managed 73. It means the party will constitute the bulk of the 60 senators that make up the august House, including the women and youth quotas which are determined by proportional representation.

President Mnangagwa, the Zanu-PF candidate in the harmonised election, got 2 350 711 votes (52,6 percent) against 1 967 343 (44 percent) which his closest rival, Mr Nelson Chamisa of CCC got.

In interviews, analysts yesterday urged political parties to shift their focus towards nation-building now that the elections are over.

Former Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) Commissioner Dr Qhubani Moyo commended the electoral body for a job well done.

"Even though there were glitches here and there, we hope that going forward there is going to be adequate                             legislation to insulate ZEC, especially from frivolous litigations which made it difficult to print ballot papers on time," he said.

Dr Moyo said as a former ZEC commissioner himself, he was aware of the impact of late litigations on the administration of elections.

He said what is critical now is for the political actors to respect the will of the people.

"The elections have come and gone and the people have spoken in terms of who they want to be their President as well as representatives in Parliament and councils. There is diversity in Parliament and the opposition won in a number of areas across the country," he said.

Dr Moyo said what is important is to give peace a chance and allow every Zimbabwean to put shoulder to the wheel to develop the country.

He said it is also critical for Mr Chamisa to take a seat in Parliament as the leader of the opposition.

Dr Moyo said the ruling party has a lot of work to do in terms of winning the hearts of the people of Bulawayo and other parts of Matebeleland. In Bulawayo, CCC won all the 12 National Assembly seats.

Dr Moyo said it was incumbent upon the Government to continue making sure that there is accelerated development in the region in areas like water supply, sewer reticulation and roads among other development projects.

"Key among these things is the need for Government to ensure that there is a deliberate policy of promoting industrialisation. Government must ensure that industries are revived and the Cowdray Park results for Professor Mthuli Ncube are an appreciation of the kind of work that he has done," he said.

Dr Moyo said if what Prof Ncube did in Cowdray Park is replicated across all constituencies in Bulawayo, the results will be different for Zanu-PF party in the next elections.

Another analyst, Mr Nhlanhla Dube said there has been a remarkable tolerance towards each other in terms of divergent opinions.

"The demise of violence as a regular occurrence in the country's election cycles is a positive development. What now remains is for the actors across the political divide to accept the results as a rose and its thorns," he said.

Mr Dube said now is the time to focus on critical issues of state and governance as well as address the challenge of polarisation.

"It's time for winners to lead and opposition to hold Government to account via the democratic spaces and institutions available," he said.

Mr Dube said the election results have highlighted that there's still strong national support for Zanu-PF while CCC support remains stronger in urban areas.

He said the Zanu-PF Government should work hard to grow the economy particularly reviving and expanding industries to create jobs in order to win urban votes.

"The rural vote responded to implementation of national projects while in some urban areas like Bulawayo, the urban population responded positively to direct engagement by Zanu-PF through resource re-direction via candidates in places like Mabvuku and Cowdray Park where even though the ruling party lost to CCC, the votes showed an upward trend," said Mr Dube.

Source - The Chronicle