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Putin, Abbas congratulate Mnangagwa

by Staff reporter
31 Aug 2023 at 01:40hrs | Views
RUSSIAN President Vladimir Putin and President Mahmoud Abbas of the State of Palestine, have congratulated President Mnangagwa for winning last week's presidential election.

President Mnangagwa won the presidential election with 2 350 711 votes, translating to 52,6 percent of the vote, beating his nearest challenger Mr Nelson Chamisa of CCC who got 1 967 343 (44 percent) of the vote.

Said President Putin in a letter: "Please accept the heartfelt congratulations on your re-election as the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe. Russia and Zimbabwe enjoy the relations of friendship, as our recent meeting at the Second Russia-Africa Summit fully confirmed.

"I trust that your work as the Head of the State will contribute further to development of the constructive bilateral cooperation for the benefit of our people, in the interests of strengthening security and stability on the African continent."

President Putin wished President Mnangagwa every success, as well as sound health and well-being.

President Abbas said Palestine was keen to continue their combined efforts towards reinforcing bilateral ties with Zimbabwe.

"It is my great pleasure to express to Your Excellency our heartfelt congratulations, for your re-election as President of the Republic of Zimbabwe for a new term of office," he said.

"Wishing you continued success in performing your exalted duties in leading your people and country towards achieving your national goals and ambitions. We seize this opportunity to express our pride in the existing mutual relations of friendship and cooperation and our keen interest to continue our combined efforts towards its reinforcement, in the interest of our two peoples and countries.

"We deeply appreciate your stand towards the just legitimate struggle of our people to gain their freedom and independence. Please accept our best wishes to Your Excellency of good health and happiness and to your friendly people and country, further progress and prosperity."

Zanu-PF members in the diaspora have also applauded President Mnangagwa and the revolutionary party after winning in the 2023 harmonised elections held last week.

Zanu-PF United Kingdom said: "The revolutionary party members based in the United Kingdom and across Europe wish to express their heartfelt congratulations to the First Secretary, President of the revolutionary party, Zanu-PF and the Republic of Zimbabwe, His Excellency Dr Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa on his election victory in the harmonised general elections of 23rd August 2023.

"The country and citizens of our Republic based in the diaspora appreciate His Excellency President ED Mnangagwa's leadership of our party and the country. And we would want to wish him every success as he embarks on his second term as President of the Republic of Zimbabwe."

The congratulatory messages follow those that have been sent by Tanzania President Samia Suluhu Hassan, Venezuela President Nicolas Maduro, Namibia President Hage Geingob, South Africa President Cyril Ramaphosa, and others, who have already congratulated President Mnangagwa on winning re-election.

Source - The Herald