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Mnangagwa assures delivery on promises
05 Sep 2023 at 01:14hrs | Views

CONSOLIDATION of gains made in the first term and advancement of the Zimbabwe dream to become an upper middle class economy will characterise the second term of President Mnangagwa who was sworn in yesterday.
The President told thousands of people from across the country and the world, who packed the giant National Sports Stadium in Harare under clear blue skies that elections are now behind and focus is on economic development through the adoption of pro-people policies.
With infrastructure development shaping up in every part of the country, President Mnangagwa declared that Zimbabwe is on the rise and nothing will stop its ascendancy.
"Today (yesterday), I have once again taken an oath as a humble servant leader and President, committed to wholeheartedly serving you all, the people of our great motherland, Zimbabwe. Under this renewed mandate, I have re-committed to continue faithfully upholding and defending our sacred national Constitution and laws, with integrity and impartiality, leaving no one and no place behind."
In his acceptance speech, President Mnangagwa described his election as historic as it was a triumph against neo-colonial elements who have been attacking the country's economy, pledging to serve all Zimbabweans, "regardless of tribe, religion, colour, creed or political persuasion".
"I offer to you, individually and collectively, unity, love, oneness and brotherhood, as the people of the great, unitary and independent state of Zimbabwe. My new Government will deliver on the promises we have made to you. The transformation of the living standards of our people, especially those in rural communities, will be accelerated, while the concerns of those in urban areas will not be neglected.
"Responsive policies, projects and programmes, which began during the first term of my presidency, are on course to lift many more people out of poverty and into prosperity."
He said hurdles such as illegal economic sanctions will be knocked aside through unity among Zimbabweans who must always put their country first. "Together as a united people, all challenges can be overcome; brick by brick, stone upon stone and step by step.
"The ongoing success milestones in the agriculture sector will be consolidated during this new term under my leadership. To date, we are food secure in both maize and wheat. All the agriculture sub-sectors have realised unprecedented growth. I commend our farmers as well as stakeholders in the agriculture sector for these achievements. This is indisputable evidence of the success of our Land Reform Programme and the responsive pro-people policies of the Second Republic.
"Going forward, my new Government will prioritise guaranteeing this momentum through household and national food security."
President Mnangagwa said the construction of dams to climate-proof the country's agriculture sector against weather vagaries, will be accelerated.
"The construction of dams, accelerated irrigation development, coupled with the ongoing borehole drilling programme, in every village and school, is set to insulate our agriculture sector from climate change induced weather fluctuations. Vulnerable districts and areas are now the critical focus."
Modernisation and industralisation have been the hallmarks of the Second Republic and during his second term, the President said the programmes will be implemented in the 35 000 rural communities nationwide.
"Concurrent with this thrust is the setting up of rural industries and systems designed to process, value add, beneficiate as well as export agricultural produce. Untapped opportunities exist for more of our people to penetrate the global markets and value chains through quality ‘Made in Zimbabwe' goods and products.
"The success of our agriculture sector has ripple effects to our agro-based manufacturing sector and industrial base. The factories that we all desire can only succeed if there is the requisite through-put from agriculture and mining, among other sectors. Therefore, I call upon us to respect each other as a united people, no matter where we live or our economic activities."
Urban areas will also get particular focus as urbanites have been getting a raw deal from opposition-led councils leading to collapse of essential service delivery.
"Matters related to housing delivery, water and sanitation, among other social amenities, remain key to the modern, empowered and prosperous Zimbabwe we all want and deserve. I call upon those elected at the local government levels to wholeheartedly serve the people of our great country," President Mnangagwa said.
"Our citizens, especially those in urban areas, have endured poor service delivery for far too long. Ratepayers deserve hard working and competent local authorities who will ensure that our towns and cities regain their long-lost pride and lustre, through world class service delivery."
He said for development to take place, Zimbabweans must believe in themselves, their resources and also their currency.
"The past five years have delivered valuable lessons on our intricate economy, especially the fact that a national currency that is supported by a vibrant productive sector is indispensable to sustainable development. No country has ever developed without its own currency. Further, we can only develop and grow the economy based on our own internal resources.
"I urge us all to believe in ourselves and our abilities, as Zimbabweans and Africans. Development and national prosperity based on what we have is more sustainable and durable. We must take pride in who we are and what we can do for ourselves."
Harnessing the country's rich mineral resources, the President said focus will be on value addition and beneficiation to maximise profits, instead of selling minerals in their raw form.
"The numerous mineral resources in our country must be sustainably exploited to leap-frog our industrialisation and development. The lives of our citizens and the fortunes of our country as a whole must be improved. We expect nothing less.
"Our economy must realise maximum benefits from increased beneficiation and value addition. As such, my new Administration, through the Responsible Mining Initiative, will ensure greater stewardship over our finite natural resources. These must benefit both present and future generations.
"Riding on our abundant resources, as well as skilled and hard-working people, Zimbabwe is poised to take its place as a competitive manufacturing jurisdiction."
He said for the country's economy to grow, industries must not seek exploitative profiteering.
"I exhort industry and commerce stakeholders to be patriotic and always seek an intricate balance between profit and the plight of our people. Profiteering, opportunistic tendencies and greed, will not move our country forward.
"Together, let us grow our country's manufacturing base, to use, consume and wear what we produce.
"The new Government shall continue to foster a predictable business environment, where capital is safe. Those who want to invest in our country are welcome, based on respect and mutual benefits, for shared prosperity."
He said the modernisation of the national infrastructure, utilities and amenities will continue unabated, using local skills that were honed and proved their mettle during his first term in office.
The Gwayi-Shangani and Kunzvi Dams, which are set to meet the needs of Bulawayo and Harare Metropolitan Provinces, are scheduled to be completed during the President's second term.
With the Second Republic having delivered energy-self-sufficiency, it will now move towards upgrading Hwange Units 1 to 6 to meet demand which is rising due to increased economic activity.
"During the last five year-term, my Administration delivered energy self-sufficiency to our country. Courtesy of our comprehensive, strategic partnership with the People's Republic of China, Hwange Unit 7 and Unit 8 are now on stream."
The President added that his administration will also avail resources towards the modernisation of the health, education and arts sectors.
"Going into the future, those in the arts, sports and creative cultural industries will be supported to express their talents. However, the fraternity is called upon to promote and protect our Zimbabwean values, African culture as well as our Christian-oriented family traditions and norms. Never use the arts or media to promote self-hate and divisions in our nation."
Yesterday's inauguration was attended by First Lady Auxillia Mnangagwa, regional Heads of State and Government, Vice President Constantino Chiwenga, Vice President Kembo Mohadi, Cabinet ministers and top Government officials.
Diplomats and special envoys from across the world also attended the swearing-in ceremony that was presided over by Chief Justice Luke Malaba in accordance with the country's laws.
The President told thousands of people from across the country and the world, who packed the giant National Sports Stadium in Harare under clear blue skies that elections are now behind and focus is on economic development through the adoption of pro-people policies.
With infrastructure development shaping up in every part of the country, President Mnangagwa declared that Zimbabwe is on the rise and nothing will stop its ascendancy.
"Today (yesterday), I have once again taken an oath as a humble servant leader and President, committed to wholeheartedly serving you all, the people of our great motherland, Zimbabwe. Under this renewed mandate, I have re-committed to continue faithfully upholding and defending our sacred national Constitution and laws, with integrity and impartiality, leaving no one and no place behind."
In his acceptance speech, President Mnangagwa described his election as historic as it was a triumph against neo-colonial elements who have been attacking the country's economy, pledging to serve all Zimbabweans, "regardless of tribe, religion, colour, creed or political persuasion".
"I offer to you, individually and collectively, unity, love, oneness and brotherhood, as the people of the great, unitary and independent state of Zimbabwe. My new Government will deliver on the promises we have made to you. The transformation of the living standards of our people, especially those in rural communities, will be accelerated, while the concerns of those in urban areas will not be neglected.
"Responsive policies, projects and programmes, which began during the first term of my presidency, are on course to lift many more people out of poverty and into prosperity."
He said hurdles such as illegal economic sanctions will be knocked aside through unity among Zimbabweans who must always put their country first. "Together as a united people, all challenges can be overcome; brick by brick, stone upon stone and step by step.
"The ongoing success milestones in the agriculture sector will be consolidated during this new term under my leadership. To date, we are food secure in both maize and wheat. All the agriculture sub-sectors have realised unprecedented growth. I commend our farmers as well as stakeholders in the agriculture sector for these achievements. This is indisputable evidence of the success of our Land Reform Programme and the responsive pro-people policies of the Second Republic.
"Going forward, my new Government will prioritise guaranteeing this momentum through household and national food security."
President Mnangagwa said the construction of dams to climate-proof the country's agriculture sector against weather vagaries, will be accelerated.
"The construction of dams, accelerated irrigation development, coupled with the ongoing borehole drilling programme, in every village and school, is set to insulate our agriculture sector from climate change induced weather fluctuations. Vulnerable districts and areas are now the critical focus."
Modernisation and industralisation have been the hallmarks of the Second Republic and during his second term, the President said the programmes will be implemented in the 35 000 rural communities nationwide.
"Concurrent with this thrust is the setting up of rural industries and systems designed to process, value add, beneficiate as well as export agricultural produce. Untapped opportunities exist for more of our people to penetrate the global markets and value chains through quality ‘Made in Zimbabwe' goods and products.
"The success of our agriculture sector has ripple effects to our agro-based manufacturing sector and industrial base. The factories that we all desire can only succeed if there is the requisite through-put from agriculture and mining, among other sectors. Therefore, I call upon us to respect each other as a united people, no matter where we live or our economic activities."
Urban areas will also get particular focus as urbanites have been getting a raw deal from opposition-led councils leading to collapse of essential service delivery.
"Matters related to housing delivery, water and sanitation, among other social amenities, remain key to the modern, empowered and prosperous Zimbabwe we all want and deserve. I call upon those elected at the local government levels to wholeheartedly serve the people of our great country," President Mnangagwa said.
"Our citizens, especially those in urban areas, have endured poor service delivery for far too long. Ratepayers deserve hard working and competent local authorities who will ensure that our towns and cities regain their long-lost pride and lustre, through world class service delivery."
"The past five years have delivered valuable lessons on our intricate economy, especially the fact that a national currency that is supported by a vibrant productive sector is indispensable to sustainable development. No country has ever developed without its own currency. Further, we can only develop and grow the economy based on our own internal resources.
"I urge us all to believe in ourselves and our abilities, as Zimbabweans and Africans. Development and national prosperity based on what we have is more sustainable and durable. We must take pride in who we are and what we can do for ourselves."
Harnessing the country's rich mineral resources, the President said focus will be on value addition and beneficiation to maximise profits, instead of selling minerals in their raw form.
"The numerous mineral resources in our country must be sustainably exploited to leap-frog our industrialisation and development. The lives of our citizens and the fortunes of our country as a whole must be improved. We expect nothing less.
"Our economy must realise maximum benefits from increased beneficiation and value addition. As such, my new Administration, through the Responsible Mining Initiative, will ensure greater stewardship over our finite natural resources. These must benefit both present and future generations.
"Riding on our abundant resources, as well as skilled and hard-working people, Zimbabwe is poised to take its place as a competitive manufacturing jurisdiction."
He said for the country's economy to grow, industries must not seek exploitative profiteering.
"I exhort industry and commerce stakeholders to be patriotic and always seek an intricate balance between profit and the plight of our people. Profiteering, opportunistic tendencies and greed, will not move our country forward.
"Together, let us grow our country's manufacturing base, to use, consume and wear what we produce.
"The new Government shall continue to foster a predictable business environment, where capital is safe. Those who want to invest in our country are welcome, based on respect and mutual benefits, for shared prosperity."
He said the modernisation of the national infrastructure, utilities and amenities will continue unabated, using local skills that were honed and proved their mettle during his first term in office.
The Gwayi-Shangani and Kunzvi Dams, which are set to meet the needs of Bulawayo and Harare Metropolitan Provinces, are scheduled to be completed during the President's second term.
With the Second Republic having delivered energy-self-sufficiency, it will now move towards upgrading Hwange Units 1 to 6 to meet demand which is rising due to increased economic activity.
"During the last five year-term, my Administration delivered energy self-sufficiency to our country. Courtesy of our comprehensive, strategic partnership with the People's Republic of China, Hwange Unit 7 and Unit 8 are now on stream."
The President added that his administration will also avail resources towards the modernisation of the health, education and arts sectors.
"Going into the future, those in the arts, sports and creative cultural industries will be supported to express their talents. However, the fraternity is called upon to promote and protect our Zimbabwean values, African culture as well as our Christian-oriented family traditions and norms. Never use the arts or media to promote self-hate and divisions in our nation."
Yesterday's inauguration was attended by First Lady Auxillia Mnangagwa, regional Heads of State and Government, Vice President Constantino Chiwenga, Vice President Kembo Mohadi, Cabinet ministers and top Government officials.
Diplomats and special envoys from across the world also attended the swearing-in ceremony that was presided over by Chief Justice Luke Malaba in accordance with the country's laws.
Source - The Herald