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Mnangagwa makes more appointments

by Staff reporter
17 Sep 2023 at 02:54hrs | Views
President Mnangagwa has appointed three additional deputy ministers to complement those appointed last week, as announced by Acting Chief Secretary to the President Dr. Martin Rushwaya in a statement.

Under Subsection 2 of Section 104 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, the President has made the following deputy minister appointments:

Hon Kambamura is the MP for Sanyati Constituency (Mash West province), Hon Sanyatwe is MP for Nyanga North Constituency, while Hon Bhila is MP for Chiredzi North Constituency.

President Mnangagwa announced his Cabinet last week with a number of new faces while others retained their ministries and others moved to new assignments.

Full Zimbabwe Cabinet 2023

H.E. E.D. Mnangagwa : President

Hon. C.G.D.N. Chiwenga: Vice President

Hon. K.C.D. Mohadi: Vice President

Hon. O.C.Z. Muchinguri-Kashiri, M.P: Minister of Defence

Hon. S.G.G. Nyoni, M.P:  Minister of Industry and Commerce

Hon. J.G. Moyo, M.P: Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare

Hon. F.M. Shava, M.P: Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade

Hon. K. Kazembe, M.P: Minister of Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage

Hon. Z. Ziyambi, M.P: Minister of Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs

Hon. M. Mutsvangwa, Sen :Minister of Women Affairs, Community, Small and Medium Enterprises Development

Hon. J. Muswere, M.P: Minister of Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services

Hon. W. Chitando, M.P: Minister of Local Government and Public Works

Hon. M. Ncube, M.P: Minister of Finance and Investment Promotion

Hon. A. Murwira, M.P: Minister of Higher and Tertiary Education, Innovation, Science and Technology Development

Hon. T. Moyo, M.P: Minister of Primary and Secondary Education

Hon. P. Mavima, M.P: Skills Audit and Development

Hon. N.M. Ndlovu, M.P. : Minister of Environment, Climate and Wildlife

Hon. F.T. Mhona: Minister of Transport and Infrastructural Development

Hon. K. L. Coventry, M.P: Minister of Sports, Recreation, Arts and Culture

Hon. Z. Soda, M.P: Minister of Mines and Mining Development

Hon. D. Garwe, M.P: Minister of National Housing and Social Amenities

Hon. A.J. Masuka: Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development

Hon. T. Mavetera, M.P: Minister of Information Communication Technology, Postal and Courier Services

Hon. C. Mutsvangwa, M.P: Minister of Veterans of the Liberation Struggle

Hon. T. Machakaire, M.P: Minister of Youth Empowerment, Development and Vocational Training

Hon. B. Rwodzi, M.P: Minister of Tourism and Hospitality Industry

Hon. E. Moyo, M.P: Minister of Energy and Power Development

Hon. Dr. D. Mombeshora, M.P: Minister of Health and Child Care

Hon. L. Matuke, M.P: Minister of State for Presidential Affairs in the Office of the President and Cabinet

Hon. P. Machaya: Attorney-General


Hon. David K. Mnangagwa: Finance and Investment Promotion

Hon. Monicah Mavhunga: Veterans of the Liberation Struggle

Hon. Kudakwashe Mupamhanga: Youth Empowerment, Development and Vocational Training

Hon. Emily Jesaya: Sports, Recreation, Arts and Culture

Hon. Levi Mayihlome: Defence

Hon. Jennifer Mhlanga: Women Affairs, Community, Small and Medium Enterprises Development

Hon. Tongai Mnangagwa: Tourism and Hospitality Industry

Hon. Nobert T. Mazungunye: Justice, Legal and Parliamentary Affairs

Hon. Dingumuzi Phuti: Information Communication Technology, Postal and Courier Services

Hon. Simelisizwe Sibanda: Higher and Tertiary Education, Innovation, Science and Technology Development

Hon. Angeline Gata: Primary and Secondary Education

Hon. Mercy Dinha: Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare

Hon. Yeukai Simbanegavi: National Housing and Social Amenities

Hon. Vangelis Peter Haritatos: Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development

Hon. Davis Marapira: Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development

Hon. J. Sacco: Transport and Infrastructural Development


Hon. Judith Mkwanda: Bulawayo

Hon. Charles Zvidzayi Tavengwa: Harare

Hon. Ezra Chadzamira: Masvingo

Hon. Owen Ncube: Midlands

Hon. Misheck Mugadza: Manicaland

Hon. Aplonia Munzverengwi: Mashonaland East

Hon. Marian Chombo: Mashonaland West

Hon. Christopher Magomo: Mashonaland Central

Hon. Richard Moyo: Matebeleland North

Hon. Evelyn Ndlovu: Matebeleland South

Source - The Sunday News