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Mnangagwa's cabinet met with scorn in Matebeleland

by Staff reporter
17 Sep 2023 at 03:02hrs | Views
Political parties, civic groups, and other stakeholders in Matebeleland are expressing skepticism about the region's prospects under the new cabinet announced by President Emmerson Mnangagwa. This comes after Mnangagwa's controversial win in the August 23 elections, which were described as not free and fair by several election observer missions.

The main opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC), led by Nelson Chamisa, disputes the poll results but refused to seek legal remedy, citing alleged capture of the judiciary by Zanu-PF. Mnangagwa's newly appointed 27-member cabinet includes only five ministers from the Matebeleland region, which has raised concerns among stakeholders in the area.

Some believe that Mnangagwa is prioritizing family members and loyalty over merit in his cabinet appointments. They argue that this nepotism is detrimental to the region and the country's development.

However, others point out that certain key posts have been allocated to ministers from the Matebeleland region, such as finance, industry and commerce, and energy, which they believe is a fair representation.

Despite this, concerns persist about whether the political environment will be conducive for these ministers to deliver on their responsibilities. Additionally, there are allegations of nepotism in some appointments, which has drawn criticism.

Overall, there is skepticism about the government's ability to bring meaningful reform, and some believe that the cabinet appointments reflect a continuation of existing problems rather than a commitment to change. The issue of nepotism, in particular, has raised concerns about the separation of family and state in government.

Efforts such as implementing changes in the constitution on devolution and addressing historical issues like Gukurahundi are seen as potential steps toward unifying the country and addressing long-standing grievances in the Matebeleland region. However, skepticism remains about the government's commitment to such reforms.

Source - Southern Eye