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Exam cheats face nine years in prison

by Staff reporter
24 Sep 2023 at 03:54hrs | Views
Individuals convicted of leaking public examination question papers in Zimbabwe now face more severe penalties, including up to nine years in prison, while students found guilty of the same offense will have their results nullified. These new regulations are part of measures introduced by the Zimbabwe School Examinations Council (Zimsec) to combat cheating and question paper leaks.

Previously, those found guilty of similar offenses faced up to one year in jail, with many receiving community service as their sentence. However, Zimsec has decided to impose stricter penalties to deter question paper leaks and associated malpractices.

Zimsec's board chairperson, Professor Eddie Mwenje, confirmed the introduction of these new regulations, which will be gazetted soon. The regulations aim to address the issue of individuals taking advantage of the existing regulations and profiting from question paper leaks.

Zimsec's public relations manager, Ms. Nicolette Dlamini, emphasized that these new regulations would serve as a strong deterrent to potential offenders. The changes in penalties are intended to curb examination malpractices and enhance the security of the examination process.

Under the new regulations, candidates found in possession of question papers before the examination, those who have pre-access to examination papers, and individuals who distribute exam papers prior to the tests will all face severe consequences. Their results will be nullified, and they will be allowed to write their exams only "after four examination sessions."

Zimsec has also introduced new security measures to safeguard question papers and answer transcripts during transportation.

Educationist Professor Caiphas Nziramasanga stressed the need for transparency and honesty throughout the education system, from the creation and printing of question papers to the administration of exams. He highlighted that addressing corruption and promoting transparency are essential to effectively combat question paper leaks.

In the past, Zimbabwe has experienced question paper leaks, resulting in legal action against individuals involved in the leaks, including school officials, teachers, police officers, and students. The introduction of stricter penalties is aimed at preventing future leaks and ensuring the integrity of the examination process.

Source - The Sunday Mail
More on: #Exam, #Cheats, #Prison