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Mthwakazi Republic Party members fire Mqondisi Moyo as president

by Staff reporter
25 Sep 2023 at 16:55hrs | Views
Members of the Mthwakazi Republic Party (MRP) have taken action by removing their president, Mqondisi Moyo, and dissolving the entire National Executive Committee (NEC). This decision comes in response to allegations of neglecting duties, disregarding lower party structures, and failing to provide the expected leadership.

Despite these actions, party members have emphasized that this move does not signify a split within the MRP. They view the MRP as a movement that will continue to exist beyond their individual roles.

Members have also cautioned Moyo against opposing their decision, as it was made collectively by local provincial members and those residing abroad.

The party is scheduled to hold a provincial and district meeting on October 1, 2023, to elect an interim leadership. In the meantime, Mbonisi Gumbo has been appointed as the spokesperson. The national congress is slated for April of the following year.

Gumbo, speaking at a press conference at the Bulawayo Media Centre, cited the party's constitution, which allows for the dissolution of the NEC when it hampers the party's progress.

Gumbo stated, "The NEC failed to engage in meaningful and constructive dialogue with the lower structures in finding lasting solutions to the present crisis," which, according to him, had persisted for the past two years. He further criticized the leadership for labeling dissenting members as state agents or spies instead of engaging in mature dialogue to resolve issues.

Gumbo emphasized that their dissatisfaction with Moyo was not personal but political. They had approached Moyo with their concerns about the party's management and offered alternatives in the interest of the party, such as dissolving the NEC while allowing Moyo to remain as president. However, Moyo rejected these proposals, leading to the decision to dissolve the entire leadership.

He also accused the party leadership of providing inadequate financial and material support, except for minimal supplies like bond papers and limited funding for candidates.

Gumbo mentioned their discontent with the lack of action regarding the conviction and sentencing of the MRP nine and the failure to provide an inventory of party assets, including vehicles.

Regarding the party's electoral performance in 2023 under Moyo's leadership, Gumbo described it as poor compared to the 2018 elections, highlighting a lack of key positions filled within the national executive and a reduced number of rallies and press statements.

The National Youth Chair, Chilumbo Mudenda, emphasized that their actions mark the beginning of a new era and a generation that challenges non-conformities. He stressed their commitment to fighting against dictatorship and undemocratic practices, emphasizing that their actions were not personal but aimed at upholding constitutional principles.

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