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CCC interim launches a blistering attack on Ostallos Siziva

by Staff reporter
05 Oct 2023 at 14:59hrs | Views
In a new statement, CCC interim SG Sengezo Tshabangu launches a blistering attack on Gift "Ostallos" Siziva.

He warns Ostallos and his band of corrupt and "misguided elements" who manipulated the CISP candidate list unprocedurally that he is coming for them。

Below is Tshabangu's letter.

Ostallos Siziva' statement is self-serving and seeks to perpetuate undemocratic malpractices

As the party engages on this noble journey to cleans itself of undesirable elements and practices. it is disappointing to note same unscrupulous individuals continue to create confusion to the general public. rendering themselves authority to mislead party members and dragging the party into disrepute.

Lite statement by Glift Ostallos Siziba is regrettable was, together with a small group of misguided elements. were responsible for manipulating the candidate selection process. undermining internal pony democracy. This small "self-appointment" group of party members were responsible for the mess which the party seek to correct now.

As CCC. we value the voice of our members and their choice of leaders at various levels. Inclusive participation in party and national processes in the hallmark of democracy.

Ostallos and his 'self-appointed' friends put aside the list of democratically party candidates. as announced by Citizens Candidates Independent Selection Panel (CISP), the body responsible for independent candidate selection. on the 18th June 2023. They replaced these popular and legitimate candidates with their girlfriends. family members and virtually anybody who bid highest price for inclusion to this closely knit poop of corrupt and now filth rich individuals.

Ostallos and his now illicitly filth rich group of friends should be warned that, to ire coming tour them. are determined to restore democracy in the party, with the same vigour that we seek to bring about democracy in Zimbabwe and indeed in Africa. No matter the selfish interests of this small group of individuals. the legitimate candidates announced by CISP will prevail.

Beyond this, this party shall regain its standing as a vehicle for lighting is democracy in Zimbabwe and Africa. Through a congress. party leaders will be selected in due cow,: and the party constitution shall he adhered to

Yours faithfully
Sengezo Tshabangu

Source - byo24news
More on: #Siziva, #Ccc, #Tshabangu