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CCC Matabeleland South berates 'hungry and desperate vendor' Tshabangu

by Staff reporter
10 Oct 2023 at 02:48hrs | Views
Solani Moyo, the interim chairperson of the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) in Matabeleland South province, has criticized Sengezo Tshabangu, referring to him as an impoverished and desperate street vendor. This criticism comes after Tshabangu attempted to recall numerous opposition party legislators and councillors.

Tshabangu, who claims to hold the position of interim secretary-general within the opposition party, recently wrote a letter to the Speaker of the National Assembly, Jacob Mudenda, expressing his intent to recall 15 Members of Parliament and 17 councillors, alleging that they no longer represented the party's interests.

Moyo stated on Friday that Tshabangu has no official standing within the CCC party, saying, "We do not acknowledge that the MPs and councillors were recalled by CCC because he is not affiliated with us. This individual is a desperate street vendor who operates near Tredgold Magistrates Court, where he sells soft drinks, and it appears he is struggling financially. He is being manipulated by Zanu-PF, and nothing more."

"Tshabangu is not a member of our party. He previously served as a chairman in Matabeleland North during the era of the MDC led by the late Morgan Tsvangirai. He also held the position of secretary in the same province. Subsequently, he left with Tendai Biti during the party split, which led to the formation of the People's Democratic Party."

"Following that split, when Biti returned to join us, Tshabangu did not return, and we do not know his whereabouts. We only heard that he was associated with Douglas Mwonzora's MDC-T at some point."

"At one point, we held a caucus, and he attempted to secure a nomination as a CCC candidate. While the party allowed anyone to participate, he was nominated for Magwegwe but was defeated. Therefore, he is not part of our leadership. In CCC, we do not have formal structures; it is only us who are aware of the genuine members."

Moyo emphasized that the CCC party leadership had a clear stance on the matter and only regarded Tshabangu as a remnant from the MDC-T era.

"Perhaps he is aligned with Forever Associates Zimbabwe because he was involved in forging signatures during the nomination court process, which allowed others to become dual candidates. So, it is evident that he is active, but the CCC leadership is not concerned because he is not affiliated with us. We do not believe Mudenda will permit this to happen and allow someone to recall elected members."

Tshabangu, when contacted on Friday, declined to comment, stating that his leadership had advised him against making statements to the media.

On the previous Thursday, he dismissed the party's assertion that he was an imposter pushing Zanu-PF's agenda, challenging the opposition to take legal action against him.

CCC spokesperson Promise Mkhwananzi described Tshabangu as a minor criminal.

Source - southern eye
More on: #Tshabangu, #Ccc, #Vendor