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CCC urged to resolve its internal problems

by Staff reporter
12 Oct 2023 at 01:47hrs | Views
JUSTICE Minister Ziyambi Ziyambi has warned Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) MPs that they risk losing their seat in Parliament if they fail to resolve their internal problems and engage the courts.

Ziyambi was responding to in an interview regarding CCC's decision to disengage from Parliament and Local authority duty.

Ziyambi gave a stern warning to opposition MPs that failing to return for Parliament business after the lapse of their six-sittings ban could result in their expulsion.

This comes after CCC MPs gave speaker Jacob Mudenda a torrid time and refused to leave the House after being ejected from Parliament.

Anti-riot police had to be roped in to eject the legislators.

"We do not control what political parties do. We do not set up their structures. If they decide to disengage from Parliament, it is their decision. It is part of the democratic culture that people can make decisions to engage or disengage.

"But what we will simply do if they decide to disengage is that the applicable laws will be applied. If they do not turn up for Parliamentary sittings for 21 consecutive days without just cause to the Speaker, then the speaker will be forced to invoke the laws and declare a vacancy and then we will go back to election.

"We believe that if they solve their internal issues, the better so that they can take back their seat in Parliament but if they decide to disengage, the applicable laws will be applied and a vacancy will be declared and those that want to engage will have to be elected to take their place," Ziyambi said.

The minister distanced his political party from the problems being faced by CCC.

"I do not see where Zanu-PF is coming in on this issue. The member involved ( Sengezo Tshabangu) who claims to be their acting secretary general has never been a member of Zanu-PF. In fact, I saw pictures of him attending CCC rallies. He has never been seen in our political rallies.

"What l am saying is that it is their internal problem. Isu hatipindire mumba mevamwe vanhu kunogadzirudza nyaya dzemumba imomo. Ivo ndivo vanogadzirisana mumba mavooo vopedzerana ikoko," added the minister.

"He (Tshabangu) is claiming to be CCC and not Zanu-PF. The Speaker was very correct. He received correspondence, their court judgments which he followed, the precedence set by the court that his job is to accept the letter and follow the law regards a recalled member by his particular party and this is what has happened.

"The speaker even went further advising them on the matter saying he could not get involved in CCC's dispute and be an arbitrator and I agree with what he did according to the law."

CCC president Nelson Chamisa announced his party's disengagement from Parliament and Councils across the country in a terse statement that threatens to force the government to its knees.

Chamisa's statement follows controversial recalls of 15 legislators from his party following a letter sent to Speaker Mudenda by "impostor" Tshabangu.

Source - NewZimbabwe