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Zanu-PF affiliates disappear

by Staff reporter
23 Oct 2023 at 01:31hrs | Views
Affiliate groups affiliated with Zanu-PF have dissolved and moved underground after their prominent role in promoting President Emmerson Mnangagwa's re-election ahead of the August polls.

In the lead-up to the harmonized elections on August 23 and 24, several shadowy groups emerged, pledging their support for President Mnangagwa. These groups included Young Women 4ED, VaPostori for ED, Mahwindi4ED, Rastas4ED, Single Women4ED, NUST Staff4ED, YES4ED, Footballers4ED, Lawyers 4ED, Miners Forum 4ED, and Teachers for ED, among others.

Approximately two months after the elections, these affiliate groups have become dormant, and stickers promoting their affiliation, like "Mahwindi 4ED," are scarcely seen on commuter omnibuses.

These groups were generally viewed with skepticism within Zanu-PF and were considered parallel structures to Mnangagwa's government as he aimed to secure his allies as candidates during the party's primary elections for parliamentary and council seats. Critics accused them of being motivated by the prospect of receiving financial incentives.

However, some representatives from these groups have insisted that they have not disbanded but are taking a break following their election campaign efforts. They claim to be running programs to empower women and engage in economic development projects.

Analysts suggest that these groups were primarily transactional in their support for Mnangagwa, aiming to benefit during the campaign period, and their role diminished once the elections were over.

Farai Marapira, the Zanu-PF director for information, stated that these affiliate groups have shifted their focus from campaigning to assisting in fulfilling the party's election promises.

The fate of these affiliate groups underscores the broader political landscape in Zimbabwe, where support and structures can be more fluid and transactional than deeply rooted and permanent.

Source - newsday