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Zimbabweans call for sanctions removal

by Staff reporter
26 Oct 2023 at 01:25hrs | Views
Zimbabweans from diverse backgrounds assembled in numerous locations across the country to protest against the damaging, illegal sanctions imposed by Western nations.

Remarkably, primary and secondary schools like Oriel Boys High School and Glen View 8 Primary School in Harare took part in these marches. Higher education institutions, including Harare Polytechnic and Mkoba Teachers' College, also joined the demonstrations.

In Harare, civil servants initiated their march from Munhumutapa Building, proceeding along Samora Machel Avenue, Julius Nyerere Way, and Nelson Mandela Street, before congregating at Africa Unity Square. There, they were addressed by Vice President Dr. Constantino Chiwenga.

Pupils from Glen View 8 Primary School marched from their school to Tichagarika Shopping Centre and back. Similarly, Oriel Boys School pupils marched to Chisipite shops and returned to their school. Learners and school officials highlighted the negative impact of illegal sanctions on the education sector.

Mr. Godfrey Chimbwanda, the District Schools Inspector for Epworth, Mabvuku, and Tafara, emphasized the urgent need to remove sanctions, as they inflict immense suffering on students, teachers, and parents. He called upon the United Nations to address this issue, emphasizing the injustice in applying such measures selectively. Mr. Ropafadzo Matemavi, the school head, pointed out that unjustified sanctions adversely affect the economy and, in turn, the education sector. He stressed the urgent need for their removal, as these sanctions hinder students' right to education.

Learners like Ashley Bhelo and Leeroy Kuzwayo expressed their support for the anti-sanctions campaign, emphasizing the adverse effects of sanctions on the education sector and urging all Zimbabweans to join in the fight for their removal.

Bulawayo Metropolitan Province united with the rest of the nation to observe the Sadc-initiated Anti-Sanctions Day. Bulawayo Provincial Affairs and Devolution Minister, Judith Ncube, led a march from Baines Primary School to the Inxwala site, where she highlighted the devastating impact of sanctions on the city's socio-economic development. She called upon the youth to lead the fight against sanctions to achieve an upper middle-income status by 2030. Minister Ncube emphasized that, despite sanctions, transformative development projects are underway in Bulawayo, including the construction of student accommodation, a state-of-the-art laboratory at the United Bulawayo Hospitals, health centers, and hospital facilities.

In Matebeleland North, hundreds of people gathered in Lupane to mark the SADC Anti-Sanctions Day, participating in a march from Comoil Garage to the district's business center. Various groups, including students, churches, traditional leaders, and businesspeople, joined the march, condemning the impact of sanctions and calling for their removal.

In Matebeleland South, stakeholders from the seven administrative districts congregated in Umzingwane District. Minister of State for Provincial Affairs and Devolution, Dr. Evelyn Ndlovu, led a march from Habane Township to Esigodini Business Centre, emphasizing the severe impact of sanctions on the country's socio-economic well-being.

Masvingo witnessed a large turnout of people from various walks of life, marching in protest against sanctions. Speakers from the provincial government, clergy, and schoolchildren addressed the impact of sanctions and called for their immediate removal.

In Mashonaland West, hundreds marched from Corner Robert Mugabe and Fitts Street in Kadoma, with Mashonaland West Minister of State for Provincial Affairs and Devolution, Marian Chombo, criticizing sanctions and demanding their removal. The education sector also voiced concerns about the limitations imposed by sanctions.

Mashonaland Central marked the day with thousands of people gathering at Glendale Shopping Centre. Marchers demanded the removal of the illegal sanctions, and Minister of State for Provincial Affairs and Devolution, Christopher Magomo, commended the province's support for the push to remove sanctions.

In Manicaland Province, the Anti-Sanctions Day was commemorated in Mutare Central District. People marched from downtown Mutare to Meikles Park, where Minister of State for Manicaland Provincial Affairs and Devolution, Advocate Misheck Mugadza, addressed the gathering. The event highlighted the importance of constitutional rights and freedoms.

In Midlands Province, Minister of State for Provincial Affairs and Devolution, Owen Ncube, led the proceedings, emphasizing the need for youth to uphold values promoting peace, unity, and development.

The anti-sanctions protests drew attention to the harmful effects of sanctions on various aspects of Zimbabwean life and underscored the nation's determination to have these restrictions lifted.

Source - The Herald