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Zimbabwe police urge illegal firearm to surrender weapons

by Staff reporter
26 Oct 2023 at 06:40hrs | Views
Police are calling on all individuals and companies with unregistered or smuggled firearms and ammunition to "voluntarily" surrender these weapons under the presidential amnesty, according to a statement from the national police spokesperson, Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi.

He reminded the public and relevant institutions to take their illegal firearms to the nearest police stations for surrender. Last year, President Emmerson Mnangagwa declared an amnesty for illegal firearm holders to surrender their weapons to the nearest police stations with no questions asked, following a surge in armed robberies and other firearm-related offenses across the country.

The amnesty offers protection from criminal charges for those who voluntarily surrender their firearms and ammunition. Police are encouraging the public to seize this opportunity to regularize their possession of firearms in accordance with the Firearms Act, Chapter 10:09.

During the last year's amnesty period, 580 firearms and 260 pieces of ammunition were surrendered to the police.

Source - newsday
More on: #Police, #Guns, #Illegal