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Zapu trashes former ZIPRA Commander Valerio Sibanda

by Staff reporter
01 Nov 2023 at 01:58hrs | Views
IF Commander Defence Forces (CDF) Valerio Sibanda still had an iota of Zapu conscience he would reject his recent appointment into Zanu-PF's Politburo by President Emmerson Mnangagwa, the opposition party from whence he came has said.

Sibanda was Commander of Zapu's military wing Zimbabwe People's Revolutionary Army (ZPRA) during the liberation struggle.

Mnangagwa recently announced him as an ex-officio member of Zanu-PF's Politburo, a powerful unit of leaders within the ruling party.

The position, according to Zapu, Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) and analysts is unconstitutional and goes against Section 208 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe by him being an active soldier in the country's military.

Section 208 bars members of Zimbabwe's security services from furthering interests of any political party, or being active members or office bearers of any political party.

"If he still has any Zapu conscience in him, he would reject it but anyone who has enjoyed the poisoned chalice for so many years would definitely not do so. He is now part of the cult, and history will judge him harshly!" said Zapu on Twitter where it was responding to followers.

"We don't agree with his politics. No justification for that whatsoever. But soldiery in Gwenzi can never be doubted!"

Remnants of the former colossal opposition party remained in Zanu-PF upon late leader Dumiso Dabengwa's decision to part ways with colleagues within the ruling party in 2011.

Those within civil service, including Sibanda, have maintained their allegiance to Zanu-PF.

Source - NewZimbabwe
More on: #Valerio, #Zapu, #Zanu-PF