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Devolution funds transform Shurugwi health sector

by Staff Reporter
05 Nov 2023 at 09:20hrs | Views
Shurugwi's health sector witnesses a remarkable transformation through the impact of devolution funds. The Totonga community in Shurugwi is the latest beneficiary, celebrating the recent completion and inauguration of the Totonga Clinic this Friday.

Previously, community members had to endure lengthy travels of over 15 kilometers to access essential healthcare services, often having to journey to Shurugwi or Chikwingwizha hospitals.

"Locally, we had to journey quite a distance to reach Shurugwi or Chikwingwizha hospitals since we lacked a dedicated health facility. The 15-kilometer-plus trip was a significant challenge due to transport limitations, making it tough for the villagers here," expressed one of the beneficiaries.

Another member added, "We are grateful to the government for financing the construction of this clinic through the devolution program. As a community, we also contributed through labor."

The clinic stands as one of many projects initiated by the Second Republic, aiming to enhance the lives of the populace while alleviating the burden of long-distance travel to access healthcare facilities.

Midlands Minister of State for Provincial Affairs and Devolution, Honorable Owen Ncube, shared, "I am truly honored to commemorate the commissioning and handover of this splendid new infrastructure here in Shurugwi District. This clinic will significantly bring healthcare services closer to the people. The government's commitment is to ensure that our citizens do not need to travel more than 5 kilometers to access healthcare services."

The devolution program has proven instrumental in enabling local authorities across the country to bolster health service delivery.

Source - ZBC