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Mnangagwa tells prison officers to uphold human rights

by Staff reporter
10 Nov 2023 at 01:42hrs | Views
President Emmerson Mnangagwa has urged newly graduated prison officers to maintain discipline and uphold human rights principles in their interactions with inmates. Speaking at the graduation ceremony of 749 prison officers at Ntabazinduna training depot in Matabeleland North, Mnangagwa emphasized the importance of nurturing values such as patriotism, loyalty, discipline, and unity among the officers.

The President encouraged the new officers to apply the constitutionalism and human rights principles they learned during their training in their treatment of inmates. Despite the withdrawal of certain rights from inmates, he emphasized the need for humane treatment.

Mnangagwa highlighted the recently enacted Prisons and Correctional Service Act, expressing confidence that it would bring transformation to the country's prisons and correctional system in line with global standards. He urged the officers to adhere to the policies and procedures outlined in the new Act.

Some key provisions of the Act, according to Mnangagwa, focus on reinforcing rehabilitation and reintegration efforts, establishing Correctional Community Centres across the country, and involving inmates in decision-making processes related to their welfare, rehabilitation, and reintegration.

The President also commended the Zimbabwe Prisons and Correctional Services (ZPCS) for conducting reciprocal benchmarking visits with correctional services in the SADC Region and beyond. He stressed the importance of strengthening relations to enhance the management of prisons and correctional facilities.

In conclusion, Mnangagwa mentioned the approval of the construction of modern correctional facilities in Gwanda, Matabeleland South, and Hurungwe in Mashonaland West provinces as part of ongoing efforts to improve the country's correctional infrastructure.

Source - newsday