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Zimbabwe war vets cry foul over farm offer letters

by Staff reporter
10 Nov 2023 at 06:44hrs | Views
Government officials are being accused by war veterans of corruptly revoking their farm offer letters and displacing them from their allocated land. A central committee report released after the Zanu-PF national conference expressed concern about the mistreatment and dispossession of war veterans who had previously benefited. The report called for the return of the land to the affected individuals, emphasizing their significant contribution to the nation's economic development.

The Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association (ZNLWVA) also raised concerns about the neglect of war veterans' medical needs, citing injuries and medical complications that were not promptly addressed. The report highlighted the emergence of presumptive medical conditions like post-traumatic stress disorders among aging veterans, indicating the need for referrals and specialist treatment.

Additionally, war veterans lamented the inadequacy of their pension payouts, emphasizing the impact of inflation on the current monthly pensions. The report called for sustainable measures to address the eroded value of the pensions. Furthermore, the lack of funding for funerals and reburials of deceased former freedom fighters was cited, with an appeal for the exemption of duty, tollgate fees, and taxes.

Despite their historically crucial role in Zanu-PF election campaigns, war veterans are raising concerns about their treatment and the fulfillment of promises made by the government. The report serves as a plea for the party and government to honor resolutions and address the various challenges faced by war veterans.

Source - newsday
More on: #War, #Vet, #Farms