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Zimbabwe's MPs advocate for the removal of US sanctions

by Staff reporter
28 Dec 2023 at 05:45hrs | Views
Against the backdrop of economic upheaval and increasing hardships in Zimbabwe, legislators affiliated with the ruling party, ZANU PF, have taken a proactive stance to seek international assistance. These Members of Parliament (MPs) have declared their intention to advocate for the lifting of sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe by the United States. Originating in the early 2000s, these sanctions target individuals and entities implicated in human rights abuses, subversion of democratic processes, and corruption.

Arising from Zimbabwe's rapid land reform program, these sanctions were enacted in response to perceived violations of human rights and democratic principles. Subject to annual assessments, certain individuals and entities have been exempted over time. Nevertheless, the Zimbabwean ruling party contends that these sanctions have triggered significant economic challenges, contributing to the impoverishment of its citizens.

Energy Mutodi, a legislator representing Bikita South, has put forth a motion proposing the dispatch of a Parliamentary delegation to the United States. Their objective is to present a briefing paper to the US President and Congress, urging the repeal of the Zimbabwe Democracy and Economic Recovery Act (ZIDERA). Despite ZANU PF's arguments, the United States maintains that Zimbabwe's economic difficulties stem from government corruption and mismanagement, not the imposed sanctions.

ZANU PF's motion finds support in a report from the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Permanent Mission in Geneva. This report delineates the adverse effects of the sanctions on Zimbabwe and the broader SADC region. MP Webster Shamu underscored these points, highlighting the loss of potential revenue amounting to billions and the detrimental impacts on crucial sectors such as mining and agriculture. Additionally, the sanctions have tarnished Zimbabwe's international standing, influencing investment and aid inflows.

Source - online
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