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Gift Ostallos Siziva says he will stand in the 3 February by-election

by Staff reporter
07 Jan 2024 at 12:55hrs | Views
Zimbabwe's main opposition CCC party member, recalled MP Gift Ostallos Siziva, says he will stand in the 3 February by-election for Pelandaba-Tshabalala constituency.

Siziba said: "Fellow citizens, I extend my New Year greetings to you all.

On February 3rd, 2024, I will be participating in a by-election after being illegally recalled a few months ago as the legitimate representative for the Pelanda-Tshabalala Parliamentary Constituency. This recall was orchestrated by elements sponsored by the regime, rather than by the people who elected me and the CCC as led by President Advo Nelson Chamisa that supported my candidacy in the August 23rd, 2023 general election.

"I am fully aware of the challenges that lie ahead in this election.

"However, as revolutionaries, we are the ones shaping history, and we cannot abandon the people's aspirations for genuine and legitimate leadership simply because a few individuals are being used by the regime to obstruct our struggle for democracy.

"We know that the regime hopes to frustrate the struggle efforts for New Zimbabwe and hopes that we give up or abandon the pursuit for change.

"Our participation in the upcoming by-election is driven by the desire to remain resolute in our pursuit for change and we believe that the people deserve to be represented at all levels of the state by the representatives of their choice.

"We remain resolute and unwavering in our commitment to the greater vision of bringing about change in Zimbabwe and improving the lives of our suffering masses, who are currently oppressed by the regime in Harare and those who have aligned themselves with the regime to undermine the rights of the people.

"We are not deterred  by the attempts to undermine the democratic and transformative struggle and very soon we shall speak and act!

Comrade Ostallos
In the name of the people!"

Source - newshawks