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Smells nepotism as unknown Mangombe set for Warriors job

by Staff reporter
13 Jan 2024 at 01:50hrs | Views
The ZIFA Normalisation Committee (NC) says it will soon announce the coach for the senior men's football team with indications pointing to Dynamos coach Genesis Mangombe getting the vacant Warriors post.

Speaking at a press conference held at their offices in Harare yesterday, NC chairperson Lincoln Mutasa who was flanked by his deputy Cynthia Malaba and the association secretary general Yvonne Mapika Manwa, said they are almost done with the process of selecting the coach and his technical team.

"We know that stakeholders are eagerly waiting for the announcement of the coaches. The good news is that we are nearing completion of the recruitment process and the names will be revealed in the next few weeks," Mutasa said.

He said they picked the names of the coaches from a pool of people who applied last time.

The Warriors coaching job fell vacant after the NC decided against renewing Baltemar Brito's contract which expired in December.

He was appointed national team coach in September last year on a short-term deal that ran concurrently with his arrangement with Highlanders, due to work permit issues.

The Brazilian presided over two World Cup Qualifiers against Rwanda and Nigeria in November, picking up two points.

Mangombe, who was Brito's second assistant in the previous Warriors technical team setup, has emerged as the front runner to take over the Warriors post with sources saying the NC has selected DeMbare coach for continuity's sake.

The immediate task for Brito's successor will be to prepare a team for the Warriors' World Cup qualifier in June.

Zimbabwe played their last home World Cup qualifier against Nigeria in Rwanda, but Mutasa is hopeful that the June game will be played in Harare.

He revealed that renovations work at the National Sports Stadium are progressing well, with the installation of turnstiles already done, according to the NC chairperson.

Mutasa also apprised the media on their achievements since taking over the runming of Zifa in July last year, which included hosting of the Cosafa schools Championships in December last year, Warriors participation in the World Cup qualifiers, hosting of a club licensing workshop and staffing of the women's desk at the association.

The NC's tenure is expected to end in June this year, but it appears it will be extended with Mutasa confirming they are still far off from complying with all the Fifa regulatory requirements.

"A critical part of the NC's mandate is reviewing the legal instruments of Zifa, especially the constitution and the electoral code. We have had round table discussions with several stakeholder groups to get insights on areas that need attention. We are now seized with the formulation of the committees that will assist us in tackling that task. Once that is done, we will then be able to hold an Annual General Meeting to formalise everything needed to hold fresh elections in an enabling environment," Mutasa said.

Source - newsday